Hello Mo935,
Go to CIC canada website and click on : Apply Study permit, just look around, its there
Follow the steps there. Its quite simple, even though it may look confusing in the beginning.
I ll just re-count what I did-
1. I filled in a common-questionnaire which asks me the purpose of my visit, which is temporary more than 6months study permit. Then cic goes on to ask me questions regarding my family and so on....generic questions, answer truthfully.
2. Once that is done, it will give you a PIN NUMBER (which will basically hold all the answers you would have given to the questionnaire), and will ask you to register into MyCIC
Note: You could first register with MyCIC and finish step1 as well.
3. You can create MyCIC account with the bank (if you have a bank account) or MyCIC account with a GCKey( government of Canada Key). I did the latter, as I found that I dont need to provide bank details ( have got department-funding).
4. Once you login, depending on the answers of your questionnaire, CIC will give you forms to fill. You can download these forms into your PCs, fill it up, and CIC will allow you to upload documents one-by-one, in the order (top to down), you will understand once you see, its no big deal
I got the main VISA form IMM1294
family details IMM5654
Proof of Means of financial support - where I attached the funding letters, along with my FD and PPF
scanned copy of my passport - they need the pages with stamps or any visa basically
Digital photo
Acceptance letter
5. I also uploaded an explanation letter, saying please contact me at this email address.
Once you submit, you will get a dashboard which indicates the present status regarding your application.
You can only upload more documents only when CIC requests them.
6. Submitted on Jun 16-2014
7. Two days later, CIC asked me to upload my under-grad certificate and take a medical test.
8. I did both of them
9.Jun 23-2014 : medical test: pass and and got a letter with words"...a decision has been made..."
10. Have sent the passport through VFS, waiting waiting waiting
Depending on your scenario, Mo, you may see more forms or less forms.
During uploading documents, say for Proof of means of Financial support: make sure all the scanned copies including your FDs or PPFs or LICs or payslips (if you were working) or savings in bank account all come in a single file (pdfs or docs, your choice), If you prefer to upload pdfs, google pdf merger and you can merge multiple pdfs to a single pdf.
Last note: Make sure you have only ONE registered ID with CIC canada, and in your account, you will see links to your application. Dont have multiple IDs. If you feel that you have goofed up your application, simply login to your MyCIC and delete that application and re-start under the SAME ID. If we have multiple, it will create more confusion, I guess because your MyCIC will have your passport details as well
Thank you Kour, I am waiting for the passport, hopefully they must not ask my passport and then put a refusal stamp - that would be cruel