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Student Visa Rejection (PhD student Application)

Impatient Dankaroo

VIP Member
Jan 10, 2020
I think most of people in this thread really don't understand how PhD funding works. And can be really discouraging with their comments.

At the time of admission there is an offer of funding or no offer at all. Sometimes for only one year, sometimes for several years. In the case of OP, funding is guaranteed for 56 months, which is the minimal expected length to complete a PhD. The only way to lose the funding under these conditions is usually by not passing the courses, not passing the steps required for the PhD (defence proposal for instance, comps). This can happen but rarely. PhD students usually have a very good academic record. Failing the doctorate can be related to various personal factors, rarely to the academic level. If OP failed as PhD student failed then he will no longer be in the program.

Stating that funding is not guaranteed is like saying to an employee who wants to immigrate "your job is not guaranteed because you can always get fired". There is no guarantee for anyone then.

Also, there is not always a "contract" for the fellowship. By federal or provincial granting agencies yes, but universities rarely. If from the university, the funding can take different forms: grant, research contract, teaching contract etc. This is arranged when the academic year starts. A PhD student can decide to not TA for a semester and hence get less funds.

Finally, 25000$/ yr might not be enough for some of you. If you deduct the tuition fees, the amount is in line with the immigration requirements. Therefore, there is no reason to reject the app based on a lack of funds. Whether some people here find it insufficient is another debate. But this is not going to help OP's case by pointing to a false problem.
Most sensible post here


Hero Member
Jun 4, 2021
I think most of people in this thread really don't understand how PhD funding works. And can be really discouraging with their comments.

At the time of admission there is an offer of funding or no offer at all. Sometimes for only one year, sometimes for several years. In the case of OP, funding is guaranteed for 56 months, which is the minimal expected length to complete a PhD. The only way to lose the funding under these conditions is usually by not passing the courses, not passing the steps required for the PhD (defence proposal for instance, comps). This can happen but rarely. PhD students usually have a very good academic record. Failing the doctorate can be related to various personal factors, rarely to the academic level. If OP failed as PhD student failed then he will no longer be in the program.

Stating that funding is not guaranteed is like saying to an employee who wants to immigrate "your job is not guaranteed because you can always get fired". There is no guarantee for anyone then.

Also, there is not always a "contract" for the fellowship. By federal or provincial granting agencies yes, but universities rarely. If from the university, the funding can take different forms: grant, research contract, teaching contract etc. This is arranged when the academic year starts. A PhD student can decide to not TA for a semester and hence get less funds.

Finally, 25000$/ yr might not be enough for some of you. If you deduct the tuition fees, the amount is in line with the immigration requirements. Therefore, there is no reason to reject the app based on a lack of funds. Whether some people here find it insufficient is another debate. But this is not going to help OP's case by pointing to a false problem.
With my PhD admission letter, I received a conditional scholarship letter initially for 3 months only. Further extension of this scholarship was subject to successful completion of my research proposal defense. I completed my PhD in 53 months and received this scholarship money for each month.

Duties and assignments for PhD scholarship are usually within the scope of our daily research and academic activities, which help us in learning of several things that also help us in completing of our PhD degree in time.

Surprisingly , VO trust in most temperary bank statement prepared in 1 week by students and submitted from outside Canada but they do not trust in quaranteed financial support from their own canadian universities.


Feb 21, 2022
Hi everyone. I have been admitted to the PhD in neuroscience program in Western University. I have already sent all the documents for the study permuta but I have a doubt and I would like to know if you could help me. As proof of financial resources I sent my bank statement with approx 5000 CAD and the offer of admission signed by my potential supervisor. In this letter he specifies that I Will receive a funding package of minimum 27000 CAD. Do you think these documents are enough to prove the financial aspect of the study permit application? Thanks