Brilliant! Thats exactly similar to what i am planningvidya0411 said:its completely ur discretion. I am taking help of my consultant because, i am working and am new to the city am currently staying at . . but frankly speaking, i spend almost 4-5 hrs on research for Universities frm offce..
anyways u have to do ur share of research to be on safe side..Agents ll help u getting the docs right and getting them notarized and all. Google is the best agent as per my experience
I am sharing my plan:
I have a 3 year bachelors so am going for a 1 year PG and simultaneously preparing GMAT to hit the universities and scholarships.
If am lucky enough and get job after PG and if am able to get a PR, i ll be considered as a domestic student, scholarships availability for PRs would be more + the cost of study would be less..
and my back up:: My hubby filed for if not that then this ..but ll do masters once am a domestic student..
hope things move as per plan for all aspirants
Yea.. i'll probably go for a consultant in india.. also i am in a fulltime work (in bangalore, India) Cant pull of things on my own..
Yes I do agree google is the best for research..