This morning my poor wife and my little baby, took the bus to ADVO to see them in person and submit the visa. We explained our situation, and by the Mercy of All Mighty, Alhamdulillah - We got our Visa Stamped the same day. ;D ;D
I still couldn't believe it when she said that, a very big lesson learned, to never give up hope and hold on to the rope. My wife and baby are on their way back as we speak and Insha'Allah will be flying out of the country this week.
What an incredible journey, all this time my wife was low and down for everything taking so long - but today when I heard her voice on the phone, after she got visa, no words can describe that moment of joy.
Wowww MashahAllah thts really a gud news!!! Visa stamping on the same day sounds like a miracle though
Alhamdulillah ;D