Friends, kung ok lang sa inyo, we can add your destination. Possible na makahanap tayo dito ng pwedeng makasabay sa flight. ;D
Anyone with correction or whose name is not on the list yet, feel free to message me.

Wish we'll get infected with the "DM Virus" soon...hihihihi! ;D ;D
Visa received CEM- Canadian Embassy Manila CPC-Missasauga, Canada
Decision Made PPR-Passport Request AOR- Acknowledgement of Receipt
In Process DM- Decision Made MP- Member of Parliament
CPC Rec'd CPC DM CEM Rec'd AOR/PPR PPSent In Process Interview DM VISA Destination
Eosinophil 03/21/10 06/01/10 06/09/10 06/20/10 04/???/11
MLViill 06/03/11 07/14/11 07/23/11 08/26/10 ??/??/??
(missed email fr. Jul10;received final noticed fr. CEM Jan2011; re-med 04/26/11) Winnipeg
Frapii 08/24/10 09/21/10 09/28/10 10/10/10 09/28/10 02/16/11 02/16/11 03/04/11 Toronto
NT_PH 09/18/09 11/07/09 02/22/11 (re-med request; 03/14/11 remed done)
Sweetsmile 09/04/10 11/05/10 11/17/10 12/15/10 12/30/10 04/06/11 Saskatoon
Silvercreek 09/20/10 10/20/10 10/28/10 11/17/10 02/01/11 02/10/11
P3me 09/22/10 10/20/10 11/02/10 11/12/10 12/31/10 02/14/11 02/23/11 Midland
Mrs. Vip 09/22/10 10/22/10 11/02/10 11/25/10 12/22/10 02/28/11 03/04/11
Xian2010 09/24/10 10/25/10 11/02/10 02/18/11 03/04/11
Kezziah 09/29/10 11/18/10 12/02/10 04/05/11
(contacted by CEM 04/29/11 for addtl med; med done)
Lee_rockz 10/01/10 11/01/10 11/16/11 12/14/10 01/12/11 01/29/11 02/12/11
Lola_arl 10/09/10 11/23/10 12/03/10 12/30/10 03/17/11 03/18/11
Chanci 10/12/10 02/01/11 02/07/11 02/17/11 02/22/11 02/07/11 05/12/11 05/17/11 Calgary
Filipina 10/27/10 11/23/10 01/04/11 01/20/11 02/07/11 02/16/11 Winnipeg
ehs 10/28/10 12/08/10 12/28/10 01/11/11 03/19/11
Lestah2005 10/28/10 01/18/11 02/07/11 05/05/11 05/13/11
(child sponsorship)
Foreverlove 11/02/10 11/30/10 12/08/10 01/14/11 01/13/11 Saskatoon
Pinay_juliet 11/04/10 11/30/10 01/20/11 01/25/11
Prettyfritzie 11/09/10 01/24/11 02/08/11 02/10/11 05/09/11 05/13/11 Surrey, BC
Monoko 11/18/10 12/15/10 12/29/10 01/17/11 02/10/11 02/18/11 02/28/11 Winnipeg
Star1384 11/22/10 12/20/10 12/20/10 01/29/11 02/10/11 03/17/11 03/18/11 Mississauga
Miss_Ian 11/23/10 01/23/11 02/02/11 02/04/11 Toronto
Vhing15 11/25/10 12/29/10 01/10/11 01/20/11
Happilymarried11/25/10 12/28/10 01/18/11 01/26/11 02/06/11 02/15/11
Ceskat'sbf 11/??/10 01/26/11 01/28/11 02/17/11 02/18/11 Winnipeg
Simplytin 12/02/10 02/11/11 2/28/11 5/04/11 05/07/11 05/14/11
Nice2010 12/01/10 01/06/11 01/18/11 02/10/11 2/28/11 Ontario
Aginaya 12/02/10 01/25/11 2/28/11 Vancouver
Tin1586 12/03/10 01/07/11 01/18/11 02/03/11 02/15/11 05/11/11 Edmonton
Kulilit 12/03/10 01/10/11 01/18/11 02/04/11 02/24/11 02/26/11 03/04/11 Winnipeg
Jessabel 12/05/10 01/13/11 01/31/11 05/09/11 05/13/11
Yumikofang 12/07/10 01/12/11 01/25/11 02/06/11
MrsJM 12/09/10 02/07/11 05/13/11 Toronto
Ssetmike 12/10/10 01/06/11 01/18/11 01/26/11 03/14/11 (waiting for re-med request) Alberta
Rovi'sHubby 12/10/10 01/13/11 01/26/11 02/10/11 02/14/11 06/02/11 Winnipeg
JumanJix 12/10/10 02/25/11 04/14/11 Manitoba
Leelovesjenny12/13/10 01/09/11 02/15/11
Mcarmount 12/22/10 01/21/11 01/31/11 02/11/11 02/28/11 05/04/11 05/07/11
Eeyore 12/23/10 01/ /11 03/31/11 05/07/11 05/13/11 Mississauga
Shelleypher 01/05/11 02/05/11 02/16/11 02/17/11 2/25/11 05/07/11 05/13/11 Mississauga
IamfromCEU 01/06/11 01/25/11 02/05/11 02/21/11 2/21/11 03/03/11 05/01/11 05/10/11
Pinoy me 01/06/11 01/31/11 02/24/11 3/03/11 05/01/11 05/10/11
Victoriaglendale01/10/11 01/26/11 02/01/11 02/10/11 2/14/11 02/24/11 05/09/11
Mrsh 01/17/11 02/08/11 02/15/11 03/03/11 3/28/11 05/19/11 Edmonton
Cynch05 01/18/11 02/08/11 02/21/11 03/01/11 3/03/11 05/04/11 05/13/11
Ariannecat 01/20/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/09/11 3/24/11 BC
Msidgz 01/21/11 03/09/11 3/23/11
Bryave 01/21/11 02/17/11 03/02/11 03/18/11 3/22/11
January 01/26/11 02/28/11 03/18/11 3/28/11 Vancouver
KMAEP 01/31/11 02/28/11 2/28/11 Toronto
Micah101 02/11/11 02/28/11 04/29/11
Raniloc 02/16/11 03/16/11 04/11/11
Destino88 02/16/11 03/21/11 03/29/11
Dorisiana 02/28/11 04/04/11 05/06/11 05/06/11 Edmonton
Littlejai 03/01/11 05/05/11 05/06/11
Kjneo 03/08/11 04/19/11 Toronto
Halord 04/15/11 04/27/11
Arkangel 03/11/11 04/19/11 05/03/11 Quebec
Sideangel85 03/21/11 05/03/11 Toronto
Yehlsa 03/23/11 04/29/11 05/12/11 Saskatoon
Annie_Annie 04/04/11
Miga-quatchi04/05/11 05/07/11
Redtag 04/14/11 04/28/11 05/11/11
Mark1128 04/18/11
Baboo_2008 04/18/11 Quebec
Submit Visa Application --> CPC-Missasauga --> CEM --> Visa Received --> CFO Sticker --> Flight to Canada
Sponsored person is required to attend a seminar prior to issuance of CFO sticker:
PDOS (Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar) when sponsor is a permanent resident of Canada
Guidance and Counselling Seminar- when you're a spouse, common law or conjugal partner of your Canadian citizen sponsor.
To check application status, download forms, guidelines and know more about Citizenship and Immigration Canada:
To know the name of your MP:
DHL #: (02)-8798888 loc 2 or 3 and (02)-8117000 (press 1)