I just got a similar email.. art 34 not specifically pointed out.. but that my husband (PA) may not meet requirememts for immigration.. that he shoud've been declared as family dunring my PR application.. we were not married nor cohabitated during that time.. too late when we knew about art 34.. we rushed to get married as well..I am going crazy right now. we got an email stating this.
Based on the information you have presented to this office, it would appear you fall within the exclusion established by this provision. Your marriage certificate shows that the marriage was performed under Article 34 of the Family Code of the Philippines. This requires a cohabitation of five (5) years prior to the marriage. Specifically, it would appear you were not examined when your sponsor applied for and subsequently obtained permanent residence in Canada.
Before an officer proceeds to a final decision, we would like to offer you the opportunity to respond to this concern.
we got married last year we have not lived together has anyone had the same experience here? please help us.
Any update on your application?