superded said:
I second the motion. It'd be nice because I am also having trouble deciphering the abbreviations.
Here's a few:
cem= Canadian Embassy Manila
dm= decision made
vo= visa officer/ visa office
ip= in process
ppr= passport request
sa= sponsor approval
aor= acknowledgement of receipt <---------they basically send you an email stating when they received your application and give you an application number and UCI number.
cic= citizenship and immigration Canada
poe= port of entry
mp= minister of Parliament
uci= unique client identifier
ecas= Electronic Client Application Status <--------when you receive an application number or uci number, you can check your application progress online.
CoPR= confirmation of permanent residence <------ Needed to enter Canada....applicants from visa exempt counties receive CoPR, applicants from visa required countries receive CoPR and a visa stamped on their passports