mrs.Cam said:
May narerefuse ba sa SA stage pa lang? and what could be the reasons na marerefuse?
di ba nyo nababasa sa CIC page?? ito para may guide kayo
You may NOT sponsor if you…
-- signed an undertaking for a previous spouse or common-law partner and three years have not elapsed since he or she became a permanent resident and,
-- receive social assistance for a reason other than disability,
-- are in default of an undertaking, an immigration loan, a performance bond, or family support payments, For more information. See Defaults below.
-- are an undischarged bankrupt,
-- were convicted of an offence of a sexual nature, a violent criminal offence, an offence against a relative that results in bodily harm or an attempt or threat to commit any such offences—depending on circumstances such as the nature of the offence, how long ago it occurred and whether a pardon was issued
-- were previously sponsored as a spouse , common-law or conjugal partner and became a permanent resident of Canada less than 5 years ago,
-- are detained in a penitentiary, jail, reformatory or prison,
-- have already applied to sponsor your current spouse or common-law partner and a decision on your application has not yet been made.