Hello, I just need some advice regarding my concerns.
Here is our situation;
I just got married last May 2013, I met my now husband 2.3yrs ago online, he is 22 yrs of age and iam 25. he is a canadian citizen (fathers canadian and mom is a filipina) He is the only one in canada, his sister and mother are here in ph. Im still in the process of gathering everything me and hubby will be needing.. then we're off to start the application.
Me and hubby are both single before we got married and i think the only thing they might question is that we got married on first meeting and that my hubby isn't in good terms with his family (even before we met hubby has a big issue with his family) I know hubby can be childish i asked him before why he didn't want me to meet his mom and family relatives since they're all in ph, all he says is that (there's no point of you meeting them, they never treated me as family so why bother?)
with the stories he told me he must've been hurt badly before, so i guess thats why he hold grudges against them, in which case i didn't press the topic anymore (i just hope they'll patch things up one day)
He didn't bother inviting any of them in our wedding, he was just fine inviting his childhood best friend who is like his brother who was present, a couple of our common friends, and of course my family which he has no problem getting along with. He stayed in PH for 15 days because he was scheduled to be back from work on the 6th of May.
I guess im worried with those things that VO might question, its so hard being away from my husband. Thankfully we have skype, whatsapp and viber it somehow makes things better. but nothing compares being with him, holding his sleepy face every morning while he smiles at me ohh my! i miss him dearly
1. Will it be an issue because we got married on his first visit?
2. Will his relationship with his family affect our application?
3. Can you give me an example of joint purchases?