Faith45 said:
I got my PPR today. CEM is asking for NSO marriage certificate and Advisory on Marriage as additional docs.
I didn't get married in the Philippines but in Toronto last November. I had a previous marriage but annulled in 2009. When i requested for advisory on marriage early this year, it turned out that my annotation on marriage is still in process so it reflected the same AOM. What docs will I submit to CEM if it's still in process with NSO?
I plan to submit my previous NSO marriage certificate with my current Canadian Marriage certificate authenticated by Philippine Embassy in Toronto. Would that be all right? As for my AOM, would it suffice if I
re-submit an affidavit stating that annotation of my previous marriage is still in process with NSO?
sis, ask ka ng advice sa lawyer dito sa Philippines , kasi it looks like you haven`t finished the other requisites para maannotate ang marriage contract of your previous marriage. ~the mere fact of filing the petition, or the grant thereof without complying with all the requisites, is not a reason for contracting a subsequent marriage~huwag naman sana.
I hope you`re done with the registration of your Court Decree of Annulment since 2009 pa pala nafinalize ang annulment. Ask your Local Civil Registrar (the place where your marriage certificate was registered) sila ang magbibigay nong certified true copy of your marriage contract with annotation and then they will endorse this to NSO by mail baka kasi di na endorse. If they did endorse it to NSO and the annotated marriage certificate is already converted and loaded in the Civil Registry System (CRS) database, the resulting AOM will have the appropriate remark depending on the court decision as follows:
• With Annulment of Marriage
• With Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Marriage
• With Legal Separation
• With Foreign Decree of Divorce
• With Declaration of Presumptive Death
By the way sis ito ang requirements of NSO:
Court Decree of Annulment of Marriage:
(1) Certified True Copy of the Court Decree of Annulment
(2) Certified True Copy of the Certificate of Finality (certification issued by the court that gave the decision)
(3) Certified True Copy of the Certificate of Registration of the Court Decree (issued by the local civil registrar of the place where the court decree of annulment was registered)
(4) Certified True Copy of the Annotated Marriage Certificate (issued by the Local civil registrar of the place where your marriage certificate was registered)