The money has been an argument between my wife and I. She decided it was a great idea to be keeping our money in a Russian, USD account. If we take out the money now, we will lose a lot of what we put in. So, until the exchange bounces back in our direction, we can't take anything out.Personal opinion only: overall pretty good. Minor suggestions - how will you get money to Canada? Banking arrangements, savings? Moving stuff (if you don't expect to move much, fine - but what about some evidence of disposing of stuff you have there; even if just a note that not much to dispose of and/or given away to relatives and friends)?
And don't see anything here about arrangements for what your spouse will do, etc.
Don't think that these comments mean you must do all or some of them - you'll have to use your judgement. You can also decide to add some stuff and remove others if you think it advisable.
One of the spreadsheets I didn't mention, is a list of things which we plan to sell/give away closer to our move date. I can add a small note in my letter mentioning that we don't have much to bring. We will probably only need to buy 1 or 2 extra bags to take on the airplane.
I haven't mentioned anything about my spouse in this letter, because we figured everything was about me. Do you think it's important to do a bit showing things for her? Maybe make a resume and send off some job apps for her as well?