Dependent children
If your spouse has dependent children, they must be included in the PR application, even if they are not coming to Canada. They will need to have medicals as well to keep the option open to sponsor them later. The only way that immigration will accept the application without those medicals is if the children are no longer minors and refuse to have it or if the children are in the full custody of their other parent who refuses to make them available for medicals. In that case, your spouse needs to sign a statement stating that they know that they will never be able to sponsor these children to Canada in the future.
Dependent children are classified as single and either under 22 years of age or if they are older, they must have been full time students since before age 22 or dependent on their parent due to a disability or medical problem.
Do you think it will make any delay to our application?
I have undeclared daughter who lives with her grandmother to her father side, she is 20 yrs old now, she doesn't want to come to canada. Since she is not minor I let her decide for herself. I wrote a letter to the Canadian Embassy about her disinterest of coming with us. My eldest that is included to my application is 26 yrs old with disability. We submitted our PP last Dec. 7, 2011 Our Ecas status is still in process and address disappear 2 weeks ago.
Anyone can give your opinion, Thanks!