Wow i was just looking at the spread sheet. June and May 2017 has the highest number of DM/PPRs. I have a good feeling about this summer cause LVO is back with a bang MA

My presence on this thread might be a bit sporadic from now on (though i will continue to haunt this thread from time to time

), however, im very active (and will IA continue to be) on the facebook group. Those of u who wish to be ask AmyR any questions may join and post there and I will be glad to help. Maybe i can nudge our all time favorite MM345 to provide their input there too on issues beyond my experience

I have a few closing thoughts which i wish to pen down. So here goes my essay

Firstly, thank u everybody for ur moral support.. I found immense comfort in ranting and venting out my frustration here during the 8.5 months of wait. Thank u all for bearing with me.

This thread is a treasure box i swear, I made some very good friends thru this forum who il be in touch with once i land IA. Please make the best use of this place and make friends. In a new land where there is no family, friends are all some of u will have.

Now for the lecturing guys, please DONOT forget to be kind to each other. Kindness and generosity goes A LONG WAY in this life and the next. Sadly, while i was here i noticed that some members would openly lie, misguide and even demoralize others. Please refrain from this and never forget that all of us are stuck in the same grueling process and all we need from each other is moral support.. We already have alot of negativity and stress around in this world. I sincerely apologize if i have been harsh and rude to anyone here (i know i have been in some instances where things spiraled out of control

You all will be in my prayers while im travelling next week. I pray that everybody gets over with this painful process super fast and smooth.
A small request from my end, since im supposed to make my landing mid next week, please remember me in ur prayers that all goes smooth in my life henceforth.

Last but not the least a big shout out to MM345 for beautifully managing the thread and spreadsheet for a long time. Thank God we found new admins. lol.

Glad the new admins came up to take charge and i wish u all the best.