Hi All
I am new here, My wedding is next month, I wanted to ask that is there any check list I can use to do this spousal process and make sure step by step I am doing it right.
Anyone here who recently applied and know what are the rules in 2017 and what can we do before hand to speed things up and also avoid any errors.
Hope to find help soon
The only checklist i can advise u on is to make SURE ALL YOUR WEDDING EVENTS ARE PHOTOGRAPHED.
Mehndi (if u choose to celebrate it- photos with families from BOTH sides, doing rasams, photos of you and the spouse.
Nikkah SIGNING pitucres of bride and groom are very imp. Try to have people around in that photo.
Nikkah dua photo with molvi around
Baraat entering the hall
Random candid photos of guests eating food and greeting one another
Family group photos of BOTH sides along with a few extended memebers as well
Personal portraits of bride and groom
Rukhsati photos of bride and groom walking out of the hall, bride hugging father or mother, sitting in the car with groom, getting out of the car, bride walking into the groom's house or hotel.
Kheer chatai rasams or doodh pilai rasams
Cake cutting (if u guys do that)
Valima bride and groom enetering the hall
Group photos with BOTH sides of the family and extended relatives
Couple portraits
Candid shots of guests and venue
Make sure venue for baraat and valima are halls and are properly decorated (if not lavishly) to look like pakistani shaadi halls. Keep booking reciepts and bridal dress reciepts of these venues. Also, other reciepts that u can keep include: wedding dress and sherwani reciepts, any gold jewellry purchase reciepts, any other wedding shopping reciepts, wedding and valima card invites, i also made a facebook invite for my valima and invites my friends on facebook (i sent a screenshot of that page i made along with people attending section that u see on the right).
Also make sure u put up a relationship change status on facebook and send a screenshot of all congratualtory comments u get on it. Also put up some wedding adn valima photos with ur partner on facebook and send screenshots of those.
Honeymoon (if u are going on one) airline booking reciepts, visa stamps (if out of country), hotel booking reciepts, photos outside the hotels u stay and places u visit.
Post wedding dawats are also equally imp. Try to take lots of pictures with families on post wedding dawats. We laid alot of emphasis on that along wtih any private outings you guys might go on after wedding

On arrival at the airport before your wedding take a photo of u with ur fiance and his/her family at the airpot arrival area if you can.
As far as civil documents are concerened the wife has to have her NIC and passport updated after shadi to husband's name instead of father's name. After shadi u will need to also have your urdu nikkah nama translated by notary public into english. i donot recall doing anything about civil docs before shadi. I just made sure shadi and post shadi events were well documented.

Hope this helps.