Hi real1, thanks alot for your good wishes. Here's the answers to all your questions;
1. My wife lives in Karachi
2. No lawyer, im totally against it and hav seen people getting in trouble due to lawyers. You are your best lawyer, just follow all instructions properly, submit everything they ask, organize your application well, do thorough reviews of application before sending and you will be fine.
3. Yes we went to honeymoon to northern areas in pk for about 10days after wedding before i returned to canada.
4. I submitted about 50pics in total including our rasam (date fixing/ which i showed as engagement), nikah signing pics (my in masjid n my wife's in her house), mehndi (showing family member together from both families, and myself doing bhangra

on our mehndi), wedding /rukhsati (must include family pics as well as pic with quran over bride's head as a cultural thing, its important ! ), valima and honeymoon pics (i even had selfies of both of us sitting in plane khi-isb)
On each of pics i mentioned dates, occassion, one liner description, and names and relation of person present. U mussttt ! submit pics where you both look in good mood and happy together bcoz for spouse visa thats the think the look into most.
5. Communication proof: i submitted about 20 pages of my skype, viber screenshots, 15 pages of our lovey dovey emails, my phone bill for last 3 months showing my complete call log (usually i made calls to my wife and on her bill in never showed bcoz it was incoming calls so we requested telenor to provide her detailed incoming calls details which they did after a really hard battle with them

, on each bill i highlited with yellow highliter each call i made to my wife and same highliting i did on my wife's call record as well (that i'm sure made their life very easy as they dont have to find each call in my bill i highlited to make their job easy).
6. We got married in Feb-2015, it was an arranged marriage and the arrangement started in Jan-2015 so i didnt have to tell them a very long story, kept it realistic the way it happened, wrote everything down how the marriage was arranged. I mentioned everything in sequential order so as to make them understand the whole story easily.
Other supporting docs submitted were; hall receipts for mehndi, shadi n valima, western union receipts, my boarding pass for my one and only visit at time of wedding with passport pages showing entry exit stamp. Thats it !
7. I applied in june-2015 so about 3.5month after marriage (so that tells that all my communications details i provided were of past 3months only)
8. I'm living in Ottawa- canada (and myself immigrated from Karachi-pakistan in 2014).
Hope that helps, anyone needs any assistance feel free to private msg me for any questions. My best advice to all of you guys is for spousal relation your happiness of both husband n wife should be visible in whtever proofs u submit either pics (smiling together) or communications (love u, miss u bla bla)

.... u might laugh but this is the key for a spousal relation to proved as genuine and this is the key thing these guys try to find in all your docs.
Good luck everyone !