This is the perfect question for us. NXR is a big ____, __________ and ______________

I could very easily fill in the blanks but sis MM345 won't like it. NXR is some admin or officer at LVO and mostly ignored emails. He was in-charge of replying about our case and always copy pasted the stupid response from his draft email as follows:
Dear Applicant,
Please be advised that, in fairness to all applicants including those who applied before you, we cannot expedite the processing of this application.
Your application currently awaits an initial review at our office in London. We will be in contact once the applicantion has been reviewed.
Yours Sincerely,
High Commission of Canada
Immigration and Medical Services Division
Canada House
Trafalgar Square
United Kingdom
Thanks Allah he's no longer replying to us and the new guy "RD" is pretty cool and replies to our emails frequently and wished us best of luck a day ago