Dear Friends,
Stop biting nails and cursing LVO. Time passes slower when we wait. Lets just enjoy ourselves in Paki before leaving it for long,,, enjoy Hot weather, Mangoes before we start missing summers.... Live a little in a while...
Yes enjoy the heat with HOURS of power outages in 38-40 degrees Celcius...errr.. sorry no fun here... mangoes...ummm not fond of them either...Im sure IA il b able to have some Indian or pakistani ones there too.

While u may be right about enjoying Pakistan, there are some people who have had enough of enjoyment without their spouses. Ramadan is around the corner, for me personally it was supposed to be a time where i spiritually bond with my partner and family. Eid is another major festival which every couple enjoys together but im not so sure whether il even be there to attend any potluck dinners or lunches with my partner and in laws. So yes, it is indeed a perspective which differs from person to person. Not everyone is as happy about waiting for several months or maybe even a year without their partners and trying to look up at things in this sweltering heat. Oh even more importantly, not to mention the stress families and particularly parents have when they see their daughters/sons living apart from their spouses.

Having said all that, i totally agree with you when u say that time passes slower when we wait. I wish i was a more positive person

On days when im not, i look up to this forum for venting.. After all this place is not only about the spreadsheet but also about moral support

All the best to all of us