I mentioned this before, but it bears repeating...
The emails being sent out can be delayed by infrastructure problems. Mailing systems generally can handle a few hundred thousand messages a day. Put into perspective, they would be near or over capacity. I do know, that there are two servers that handle this (I did some digging, for a friend; right
@browning911?) presently. If one silently fails, the queue will exponentially grow until it's discovered. We do know that, they had contracted Bell Canada to replace their mail system -- but Bell failed the Canadian Government (after they stole the money).
They can use this forum !!!! Hell we will get the messages out by the minute

We wouldn't be holding on to no message. . . we would be so happy to deliver.

we would be running ahead. .
I understand the use of improved untested technology though. . i know exactly what u mean. . part of the be patient exersize "wooooooo saaaaah" ( from the movie bad boyz)
So, we are now sitting, faced with older infrastructure that can fail, from time to time. The results are delayed messages, messages sent out of order, or messages that just aren't delivered at all. Them's the breaks for using a faster delivery system than snail mail.

since we know the system is , exercising some patience won't hurt. After all , its not like we not looking at the light at the end of the tunnel.
For a backgrounder:
Original story: