Uhm... no. I am not Nostradamus. I didn't predict the end of the world. Only the end of CIC file processing. That's predictable by using: Current processing velocity (so, over the past few x (days, weeks, months) they've processed x (weeks, months)); knowing that they will have a general queue that will run first-in first-out (so folks around the same timeline will be processed together); the possibility of sliding up to a different date other than the general queue; cherry picking; they don't work on holidays (but they do work overnights); and that if you have all the evidence with your case it will be processed when they pick it up.So far today , you been accurate!!,
On another day i would call you nostradamus!!!! Lol
Continue pridicting, if you're accurate in this one, i will confer on you the title at a service to be announced ha ha ha
Also, knowing that if they make a request, they have to give the respondent 30 days to respond (and they add another 30 buffer). They won't check on a case unless they are urgently trying to get something to finish it quick.
There, I just made you a CIC-seer.
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