I was just looking at the spreadsheet...
And Jan 2016 applicant is landing at September 2017...............................
Wish this does not happen to members of this Forum!
Can I offer some advice? Don't. Just don't look at the spreadsheet. The data is almost meaningless for the following reasons:
- there is >= 30,000 inland (not both) applications filed every year. At best, the spreadsheet reports voluntary info on 700 files, at best. So the sample size here is significantly small.
- the info is voluntary, and when people have time and remember. Eg, I don't think when my wife's PR Card arrival is in there.
- the PAs can only base info off what they have read. Some don't follow the forum, so SA and AIP can definately be skewed.
It's really good for looking at files close to you in time, to see if anyone else nearby seems movement. But even here, that can be tricky.
Lastly, there are a few who post here, that are persistently negative. It's a spin that actually helps no one at all.
I get that you have trouble accepting the wait times. I also get that the wait times when all of us (sans >Dec 15 2016) would have known would be 26 months.
For most now, that's 12-14. Feeding negative vibes into something has a feedback problem. It amplifies. This is only destructive energy, and really isn't helpful to you (or others). It's unhealthy.
So, I suggest not focusing on IMM for now. If you need to, try to find the good -- it's not 26 months yet. And hopefully no one is left that long. But for those at the end, all you do is amplify their own negativity.
Look at the bright side -- you're almost done. They could email you for a landing tomorrow. Try not to go stir crazy!