To be on safe side, I think its better to fulfill income requirements as outlined in LICO table. After all, its only 39,672 CAD/year income to sponsor 2 family members. What do you think?
I don't know what you mean by "fulfill". If your well-documented income is above the level in the table, you shouldn't worry.
If your income is slightly below that, you would still probably be okay. If what you can document is substantially below that for some reason (like you only recently started working or were a student before or whatever), try to demonstrate how you will be able to support (savings, just got a raise, previous year's income was only partial year, etc).
But the difference is that because it's not a formal requirement, you do not need to focus on 'hitting' that exact amount, but showing you will have enough to support them. (e.g. If your past income is not indicative of your future income, explain briefly why that will change).
Regardless, tell the truth and keep as factual as you can. As I believe the documentation says, if you don't have some documents, supplement with what you can.
If what you mean by fulfill is wait until you have income that's close to or above that level, that's up to you. If you've had no income for some reason, it might make sense.
Also I repeat: you cannot be on social assistance. While the examining officer can make a judgment about your ability to support, being on social assistance will result in rejection. (Definition of what constitutes social assistance can vary by province)