scos said:
There never was one as the app was never filed.
I second scos on this one! Good God! Since when has the applicant become the so called victim?
If this guy knew that his GF was in debt and had such a big problem wiz it then why on earth did he decide to marry her in the first place?! The whole point of getting married is becoming a "couple"- splitting everything from profits to losses; sharing good times and bad!
If all he ever wanted to do was be a slob and work only an hour a day and live off the gov and OPM then why bother marrying someone who lives in the different country?!
Canada treats its citizens very well! From medical to unemployment to everything.. If thats not good enough for you then you're just greedy!!
It's true some people unfortunately have really bad marriages.. and my heart goes out to them and I admire their strength to move on....
In your case 'Justmarried', you're equally responsible for the failure!!