The confusing part for me is on the right side
I am a Canadian Citizen sponsoring my common law partner from The Philippines.
She has 1 dependent child who will not be joining us. I am not and have never tried to sponsor anyone else.
I'm going to write what I think it should be but please correct me if I'm wrong....
4. Yourself
This is 1
Current Undertaking
5A - Number of persons included in boxes 1 to 4 on Section C on IMM1344
My answer would be 1, as I am only sponsoring the principal applicant?
Previous Undertakings
My answer for all would be 0, because I've had no previous undertakings
6A - Persons not included in 5
Your spouse or common law partner
Although I am looking to sponsor my common law partner, is the answer is 0 because she was wrote as 1 in 5A
6B - Every other family member not included in the above and dependent on you (the sponsor) whether they are living with me or not.
This one I'm a little bit confused about because she does have a dependent child but that child is not financially dependent on me. The child lives with my partners parents and are financially dependent on them, however once in a while my partner will send them money, but that is strictly from her and not me.
So my guess would be 0?
7 - Add the total numbers together
So my guess is 2. Which is myself and my partner.
But I'm just ensuring I ask first so I don't do it wrong
Thanks everyone =)
The confusing part for me is on the right side
I am a Canadian Citizen sponsoring my common law partner from The Philippines.
She has 1 dependent child who will not be joining us. I am not and have never tried to sponsor anyone else.
I'm going to write what I think it should be but please correct me if I'm wrong....
4. Yourself
This is 1
Current Undertaking
5A - Number of persons included in boxes 1 to 4 on Section C on IMM1344
My answer would be 1, as I am only sponsoring the principal applicant?
Previous Undertakings
My answer for all would be 0, because I've had no previous undertakings
6A - Persons not included in 5
Your spouse or common law partner
Although I am looking to sponsor my common law partner, is the answer is 0 because she was wrote as 1 in 5A
6B - Every other family member not included in the above and dependent on you (the sponsor) whether they are living with me or not.
This one I'm a little bit confused about because she does have a dependent child but that child is not financially dependent on me. The child lives with my partners parents and are financially dependent on them, however once in a while my partner will send them money, but that is strictly from her and not me.
So my guess would be 0?
7 - Add the total numbers together
So my guess is 2. Which is myself and my partner.
But I'm just ensuring I ask first so I don't do it wrong
Thanks everyone =)