I am aware that a Canadian citizen/permanent resident who is receiving a disability benefit can sponsor his/her partner, but what if that partner is ALSO disabled and whose only source of income is also a modest disability benefit (outside Canada)? I'm sure this situation has arisen, but I can't seem to find any reference to it on the forum or elsewhere. The big concern is that the application could be rejected for financial reasons (section 39 of the Act). The disabled partner is not necessarily 'unemployable' but there are obvious obstacles and work history is quite limited. The families of both may be able to offer some limited help, but will that be enough to satisfy CIC? What are the chances of the application succeeding? Can the legitimate H&C concerns (they have a young child) be raised in the original application to overcome the financial issues, or can that only be done in the case of an appeal? I will appreciate any guidance on this rather unfortunate situation.