Lots of wrong information in your post. But to mention a couple:rajparvez87 said:I think CPC-M processes the applications as and when they receive them and mark them complete/incomplete till it reaches 5000. After that they updated the website saying it has reached the cap. Since they updated the website around Jan 15th-16th I think anyone who has applied before that should be fine. Note that CCs started to get charged after the cap was filled which probably means Payment processing department is now working on those 5000 complete applications and charging the CCs one by one.
There is no way someone is at the front door and get each application and open it right on the spot to see if it is complete or not. Do you know how much time it would take to receive even one application from the delivery guy that way? lol
Also, CC started way before the cap was reached, I think first CC charge was on Jan 8th (Mine was charged on Jan 9th)