3m15sec means there is only one agent scanning all the apps without washroom, lunch, social time break. So it will not make sense. They can easily assign 20 people on this to get per person processing time more reasonable. It might be hard to know how many agents are there in CPC-M, but it is still valid to speculate how many app CPC-M can process in one day. I will say 200~250 based on this years CC rate.
Last year it took CIC 4 weeks to complete CC, plus a few single cases even to March. But this year it seems they slows down, otherwise, with the renaming Jan2 apps no charged, should people start to worry? No, we can think maybe they are short staffed, or as the call center said there are new instructions to handle this year's apps, they are slowed down by half? So the CC will continue to mid Feb this year? Obviously there is hope, the end of CC is not this Friday, at least dragged into next week.
Revisit the above 200~250 apps per day rate, it feels the daily processing rate might be even lower than 200 this year due to some reason.