Hi Guys,
i am one of the user of UPS 10:47am Jan.2nd delivery. I called ICI this morning and told the rep. my UCI#, and tried very hard to get the rep. answered my concern, if i made my application into the 5000 CAP, as none of UPS 10:47am users has been charged yet, and I think UPS gave us fake deliver time.
He checked and told me there is a note under my application----- it's a complete file package, and my# is 41xx.
He said it's quite positive, but he is not guarantee anything.
BUT i can tell i am in the 5000Cap by that#, right?
I told him he made my day!!
Hope my update can give you guys, especially UPS users, some positive info.
i will update the excel sheet once my CC got charged. thanks everyone!