metalup said:
hello new here ..tried to read all threads but thats just too much im Moroccan from Rabat..planing to marry a canadian woman very if there is any moroccan guys here or canadians if u can connect me with ur moroccan partners..just want to know exact stuff about whole marriage visa ..pls PM me if u can

thank you so much
To establish a Moroccan marriage certificate in Morocco, you will find hereafter, as an indication, a list of the principal necessary documents.
Request documents :
1- Request for marriage written in language Arab and intended for the Judge of the family court (Court of the city where the marriage certificate will be established);
2- Four (04) color photographs ;
3- Certificate of birth with complete filiation (names and first names of the parents) ;
4- Statement of criminal record (or lack thereof) issued by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) ;
5- Certificate of nationality delivered by the Embassy of Canada in Rabat - Morocco ;
6- Medical certificate attesting the absence of any transmissible disease ;
7- Certificate of conversion to Islam delivered by an approved imam (Moslem preacher) of a mosque, or a proof of Moslem confession ;
8- For the non Moslem women, the proof of their Jewish or Christian confession ;
9- Certificate of employment and wages ;
10- Act of divorce in the event of former marriage, duly legalized by the Canadian ministry of the Foreign Affairs in Ottawa ;
11- Certificate of death of the ex-husband for the widowers ;
12- Passport + copy of the page mentioning the date of entry in Morocco (proof of presence in Morocco) ;
13- Certificate of capacity of marriage, delivered by the Embassy of Canada in Rabat (certificate specifying your marital status...).
14- Statement of criminal record issued by the Morrocan Ministry of Justice in Rabat - Morocco ;