I am starting to get really concerned about the proof of our relationship.... ???
I have been reading so much here about how many emails and cards and letters and visits and Skype... we communicate exclusively on msn as all cyber cafes there have msn and most dont have skype. How do I show the saved logs of conversations? (Short bits of conversation because we speak verbally to each other mostly) Also, I mentioned before that my computer crashed last Dec so I lost all my conversations from Jan 2009 to Dec 2009 :'( I know he has saved all the correspondence from the site we met on and emails but this is a very large amount of time that was lost on msn!! Mind you I visited him during this time. I have all emails from the time we met...but these emails were usually just a short hello and brief but almost daily and they taper off dramatically after we started talking on msn because we actually talked instead of having to write...
When I got my computer in Jan '09 we started on msn right away. And we talked every chance we got. He was working 2 jobs at that time...so it was usually Sat and Sun. Then he had the summer off and I went to visit, his second job did not come through after the summer and he had only 1 part time job so we started talking almost everyday. He stopped texting me last Dec because it was too expensive for him. If we talk on the phone we use phone cards and it is generally just a few precious minutes because it costs much for him to get 3 minutes of time. So phone calls are not logged with our actual phone numbers. He has sent gifts twice, I have sent 3 times...I lost the boxes when someone came to help after my surgery. He and his family sent gifts home with me from my trip.
I am a single parent and he has a low paying part time job so we don't have money to be able to send lots of cards and gifts and SMS and such. I have explained before why I could not visit this year...due to surgery.
I occasionally correspond with 2 of his sisters. One on Facebook and another by a few emails. I also stayed with 3 of his sisters while I was visiting and his mother was with us in all places as well except El Jadida where we stayed with his oldest sister. Does this help that I met and stayed with his family??
He also speaks with my Mum online whenever I visit her and with my daughter...when she wants too of course. He has spoken with a friend via msn and a few through Facebook as well. They are all aware of our intention to marry and his 2 brothers inlaw are going to assist us when we are there in Jan with the marriage.
We cannot have a large party because of time and money constraints so we will just have a meal with the family that is closest to Kenitra.... of course I will get photos of everything...
So as of this moment we see each other everyday for at least 1 hour...usually at least 1.5 hours and this is spent talking or sharing music and videos. We talk about plans for the future and preparing for a new life. I try to explain different aspects of culture here that are different or unusual. I occasionally break down .. because this is so hard for me...I want him to be here and to interact with my daughter on a personal level and to do things as a family and get away from this stupid machine. We joke about this often...how when he is here the computer will just collect dust while we are doing things as a family finally.
All this to say...will we really be able to prove that we actually have a REAL relationship ?? That we love each other very much and that we cannot imagine our lives apart? We have communicated the way we do, first of all, to be able to see each other and speak but also because it is the most economical. We are trying to save as much as we both can for the wedding and for the expense of the application and PR.
I am worried for this. My daughter is only 9 and I believe it is 18 before she can tell her father where she wants to live and he has no more say...I can't live 9 years apart from him...although I know people here that have spent almost this time and I don't know how you do it!!
Anyway...sorry for the long winded message...just trying to get some things off my chest and I know there are people here that understand how this all feels...so please bare with me and pray please...lots of prayer and I am praying for you all as well.