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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Star Member
Dec 10, 2007
Hi Zakaria,

Jamal received notice by telephone only. Actually i am still waiting to hear from him. His interview was today, this morning at 8am Rabat time and until now i still don't know what is going on. I am totally nervous, but at the same time confident. I know that Jamal knows me like a book. He knows all my life story, and i certainly hope that immigration sees that too. The only news i have is that on ECAS they have entered his mailing address on the file now..but no other update other than they started processing our application since 04FEB08. and now i need to go to work without any news..this is stressful...i have tried calling his cell but its off...i think he still maybe waiting or something.,..i hope its good news...insha allah it is and i am worrying about nothing. i will post later when i have more information.

i hope that everyone else gets their calls..



Aug 7, 2008
hi indira , don't worried all is become good , trust me the embassy will give everyone visa, and i was talk with some person they are have interview before and their said just got some simple questions from embassy and nobody had refused !
just u will hear good news today :)
and good luck
take care :)


Star Member
Aug 26, 2008

It's nice to be optemistic but trust me the embassy does not give EVERYONE a visa. This embassy in particular is very hard on people and refuses for no reason at all and has refused many people on this message board with genuine relationships.

Lots of poeple are now doing appeals.

Good luck


Aug 7, 2008
hi there, yes i understand and i know it isn't easy to get a visa, but if we are sure of our love and we are serieus and mean something good so the god will help us and will be win :)
and i hope everyone get his visa !
good luck :)


Star Member
Dec 10, 2007
well i am a little confused now, after having spoken to Jamal all i could think about today was all the questions he was given and all the whys...its not his fault my past was and is the way it is. He and are just want to start our lives together and now with baby on its way even more so now. I surely thought he would have received a better answer this morning. I am feeling a little blue and down right now. It took me six years to finally meet the man/husband to spend the rest of my life with..so what i meet him on the internet..so what we got married two months after the fact...it was love at first site. This is REAL!!! i don't usually stick around with people that do me harm or are no good for me and even more important my daughter from my previous relationship. My daughter was a blessing in my life as now is the baby that i am carrying. My daughter wasn't asked to be born. I chose to have her, even after her father never wanted to stand up to his family who made me marrying his cousin to grant him citizenship in Canada.

Having said this..immigration asked Jamal all about my past...and wanted very specific answers..they believe that i just married him to grant him citizenship to Canada too...this is definately NOT the case at all. Jamal doesn't want to come to Canada...but its the only option we have right now..since i can not leave Canada with my daughter since my ex, her father does not allow me to live in Morocco. I am fighting for full custody of her and still in the legal system with that...this is why i can't go to Morocco to be with Jamal..so our only solution is for him to come here. I never thought that things were going to be this difficult. Like i told Jamal today..its a challenge..but i have faith that immigration will see that he and i are really meant for one another. Its not that easy to find a man who will accept your child from someone else as his own and treat her so well...and she in turn loves him to death!!! They get along so well..its funny to say that she gets along better with Jamal than her own father ..

as per what the woman immigration said to Jamal " this is the first time i ever hear someone doing such things like this."

I told Jamal its okay since he told immigration exactly as it was..no lies anywhere...even though its kind of confusing. The things that we do in the name of so called love..which i realize now that it was just lust not love...LOVE is what i have with JAMAL now..and because of this love i am having his baby.

Now we just have to sit back and wait. They didn't keep anything of his..they gave him back his passport and all the originals that i had submitted in the application as well as the photos he took today too with some of the conversations we had.

They also asked why we didn't have a wedding ceremony. We had a family get together but not with all the works..just a nice meal and some music ..nothing big...i was hoping that when he came here to Canada we could save some money and do that..we did travel within Morocco when i was there with him last. This was our honeymoon...with my daughter too...i cant leave her behind and he knows it.

They asked him all about my family....what each one does and doesn't do..what he plans on doing when he gets here, how does he plan on supporting us, how will he cope with my family living with us(even though its just going to be a temporary thing until he and i find a place) i want an apartment for him/my daughter our soon to be born baby and me.they asked him who he meet in my family what were their reactions to the marriage,

We are a little confused as you can see...but again like i told him this morning GOD is great and does miracles..and does challenge us once in a while to see if its good..so i told him this is just that ..a TEST..
i am pretty sure that it will all be ok..well at least i hope so. I will continue to pray and doing just what i have been doing with him until we can be together again. Which if he doesn't get his visa then it will be after i had the baby in MAR09..that i will have to travel to see him again...and if we get denied then appeal it is...

I am so sorry this post is long..but as you could all imagine i have so many thoughts racing through my head right now..not sure exactly what to do..all i could do now is just wait patiently.

Oh yeah and immigration also asked when his medical was to expire..and he told them dec..so they said to wait for a call from them..so wait we are..



Star Member
Dec 10, 2007
oh yeah he also said that there were six people in total waiting for the interview process...two men, him and one other along with four women.


Aug 7, 2008
hi indira sorry to hear that , i do feel to u and i understand how come u feel it !
so i hope al is god, just one thing plz they aren't say them anything, if he's accept or refused ???
because i think when they are accept someone they say it and just waiting till calling him back for come get the visa that
that's hard realy me i'm so nerveus and down,
and i hope al become good for everyone,
plz when they are caled him for interview, i mean which day ?
thank u and i hope u feel better and good luck


Star Member
Jul 27, 2007
Indimer, do not be down about this. They gave my husband the third degree, kept every piece of our paperwork. When my husband asked if he was accepted, they wouldn't give him an answer. Then they did nothing or said nothing for 3 months. Then a rushed call with a one day opening because of the medical expiring. What an ordeal, but hang in there.

As for me, I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!! This morning my husband was called and told to come and pick up the visa on Wednesday. FINALLY - just a week shy of 11 MONTHS - start to finish. For a simple case, never left country, no children, etc etc

However, saying all that, I still won't believe it until he has it in his hand!!!

Good luck all.



Aug 7, 2008
hi Becca Congorlation , i'm glad for u , really i hope al is good for everyone also for indira, just we need patient but that's little hard :) lol
plz tell me when ur hausband was have interview, ?? how long took for caling him between interview and for get the visa ??
but we have very different case , some person give them visa after two days and soem said them their accept and some no alot things realy different with embassy nothing same !
me i will relax :) lol
thank u and good luck for everyone :)


Star Member
Dec 10, 2007

Jamal received his telephone call for interview a week today. Monday September 15, 2008. He went in this morning and NO he wasn't told that he was accepted or not..just that he will receive a telephone call with the answer. They also asked when his medical was to expire. So now we wait. Do not be nervous! Remember each case is different. Some are easier than others. Maybe your file will be processed without complications. Insha allah answers come soon for your telephone/email call. Do not worry i am a go-getter like my friends say. Nothing really stops me from getting where i want to be. I know that sometimes it does take longer...my Jamal is a clear example. I spent 6 years without a man..had relationships..but nothing too serious..i had to think about my daughter first. I just didn't want anyone near her. I didn't want someone to get close to her to then leave her life for good...its not good for them one bit..and its already enough that the goes between her dad's house and mine every other weekend.

I am hopeful. I am a believer! I know that God never fails me...hasn't yet...

And Becca, CONGRATULATIONS..finally soon you two will be together. I am really happy for you guys. It was time. and don't worry i was down the whole day i am doing and coping much better now. I have a better understanding of how to proceed..just wait for immigration to make their decision and continue with our lives until then...not stopping the way we communicate or carry-on. Either way ..we will find a way. this i know.


P.s INDIMER stands for my name and my daughter and when she was born...INDIRA for me and MERIAM for my daughter and 04 for 2004.

On another note..immigration i guess also was wondering how he and i communicate...which is purely Spanish..and i am learning Arabic/Berber..even though Meriam speaks it better than i do..but then again its easier for kids to learn languages. It takes us adults a little longer.


Hero Member
May 19, 2008
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Congratulations Becca - I'm so happy for you!!!!!


confused and lonely

Star Member
Jun 9, 2007
Congrates to all that have gotten their calls and welcome to the new comers.

Well what can I say we are still waiting my husband has now joined the form to see what is happening we are both full from waiting and not seeing each other for so long. I hope the embassy starts on march because we have waited long enough and if I could afford to go and see him I would but I can't.

This is not what you would call much of a marriage when it is only online right now all we want to do is start our lives together finally. Its has been over a year now and still nothing.

Take care and good for you Becca happy to hear all is going better for you.


Star Member
Jul 27, 2007
Alberta PNP -

I am 35 years old.  My husband is 33 years old.    Why does this matter?  We met 3 years ago - BTW we did not meet over the internet - we were introduced by a mutual friend.

He finally has the visa in his hands and the plane tickets purchased. So I am VERY excited. He will be here in less than a month!!

So after all is said and done - 1 week less than 11 full months start to finish.


Star Member
Dec 10, 2007
Well Becca, i guess you are finally glad that your wait is over and within no time you will have your husband by your side. i am truly happy for you gives.

As for us...today we had our status change on ECAS to a decision made..and it says that we should be contacted soon...so far no news...i am just a little concerned and yet relieved that finally the news or decision has been made. I hope its to our benefit!!!! Inshah allah the "good" news come just in time for EID MUBARAK....lets just pray that its good news..and not a rejection ...i don't know how much more i could handle being alone and pregnant without my husband..we are two months pregnant its official..so basically we have another 7 months for the baby to be here...and hopefully with its daddy by its side.

Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers..

as for everyone else who is waiting..best wishes..


Indira and Jamal