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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Star Member
Jul 8, 2007
Hi Val, you made me smile, reading your post, for me im a patiente girl but when its been many months i have not seen my husband face to face in real its hurting, But my husband Boubaker and I are strong,

Glad to see a new face to the little group of ours you are welcome here for sure!!
About the interview calls yup seems for all of us its taking long time I to aplied in July so we are basicaly going to falow each other in timing ,hopefully
all will go well im praying for this.

for interview questions there was Abdel in the begining who posted something and thats about it, I to been asking around about it to. So I cant help you much there sorry, If u get any info let me know,
Wishing all the Best


Star Member
May 7, 2007
essaouira said:
here the happy crazy abdellatif hahahahahaha ,great day really im so happy and my wife too...so
its was so easy interview dont worry
today in the morning i wake at 6h00 i wear my suit ,about 7h00 i was in the coffee shope for break fast
at 7h30 i was at the embassy, the security man ask me to wait ,and about 8h00 they aske all the people how's have the inteview,they gave all one ticket with one number than we go to one room waiting
about 8h05 ,they aske one woman first ,the interview take no more than 30 minutes for her,after her ask one other woman, we was 3 woman and 3 man,i was the last one how they ask ,it was about 11h00
first i speak with one moroccan woman ,when she know that my woman from vancouver she started to speak with me in english no frensh ...juste some words,and some other words in arabic
its was a simple questions about how we met ,when ,what time exactly,wher she live,what she do ,what her job exactly,some other questions about her family ,parents name ,sister's brother's names,in which language we talk ,if we are in contact all the time ,and how ( phone ,internet mail hotmail messenger with camera,text messages,poste letters )
what her family think about me and about my family if i know them,if they know my family ,how was them reaction when we get married ,other questions about our holiday together ,and if live together in same place....and wher ,why i mary one canadian woman not one moroccan woman ,because of i dont have money to have house car and good life or because other things...
she aske me also if the religion of my wife its ok for me or not ,what i will say if my wife decide to give our children one canadian name hahahahaha i told her that i like to give my son MICHAEL as name and she laugh and she aske if that my family will like or not that i answer that its my life and me and my wife the only persons how have this right not my family, than she ask me what my family think about that i maryu one christian woman, i answer that in islam we have right to mary christian woman , and me im muslim but i dont practic the religion...
she aske if my wife sent me money i answer her of course in 3 times , the first time to help me to paye the med exam,the second to paye her part of the rent of apartment wher we hade holiday in rabat, and the last to paye her part for the hotel in essaouira
also she aske me about how paye the marriage rings i answer that's me how payed ,she aske me how much people was in the ceremony, and if we will have one other marriage ceremony in canada ,i answer her of course

the important think that every one need bring with him
so much pictures of marriage wher we can see much people
so much pictures of him and his wife with the family
the same for him and his wife in holiday ( other city ,beach ,coffee shop ,restaurant....)
all the proof that she send him money
all his letter's for him,and gifts ( like cards ,nice letters with nice love words ...)
have good memory for all the good evenment of them
remeber the exact date of the marriage and the ceremony
bring the phone bills of his wife ,or do like my wife she scan all her card phone,and send them to me ,than i print them , its important
the exact date when his wife she came to morocco and the exact date whe she leave morocco
the exact date when the met for the first time ( they ask me the name of the website wher i met her) (me i met my wife in the HI5 website ) ,and they will ask why exactly this one , the good answer that this website its wher we can finds serious people how find serious relationship not cyber *censored word* or other stupid thing)
I think juste be sincer and have good memory that's easy coz when we love some one never we will forget any thing about him its normal
Abdel kind of covered all the bases of the interview experience in this post. My husband had most of the same questions - all they were quite a bit harder on him. However, that's their job - to challenge the validity of the relationship. As long as you are prepared and don't hide your feelings about how much you care for your spouse - you shouldn't have any problems.

Wishing everyone well - I know how hard the wait is - it made me crazy... Soon you will be on to the next step of this adventure - you're life together. Even after 3 months of my husband and I being together I don't take anything for granted. It wasn't that long ago that we were so far apart and didn't have the luxury of doing what we can do now. I never really forget that.

It sounds like everyone's application is going through the process ok - so not to worry - it is all happening as it should.



Star Member
Mar 28, 2007
Val welcome!
Tracy, I am pleased to see that you still read the forum. I know you really helped me through this. It's good to show that we are still interested in the couples who are going through what we did. I am patiently waiting news from everyone. It does seem like Isabelle/Boubaker, Vesna/Adam are taking longer than we did, but when you work it out, they are inline with the time it took my Rachid & Chris. I think the others were quicker than us, but not by much. I'm sure they will hear very soon. My heart goes out to them. I know how frustrated they must be. It won't be much longer, I'm sure.
I know what you mean about not taking anything for granted Tracy. It amazes me when I think that our Rachid is in Canada. It is amazing! He is doing wonderfully well, and he phones me almost every day to share news or just to talk.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all,
Beslama, Penny


Star Member
Jun 25, 2007
Hello everyone,

I'm very tired, this wait makes me crazy, almost 4 months that the papers are at the embassy and still not get the call for the interview, I miss my husband , Hope to hear good news very soon and for everyone.



Star Member
May 7, 2007
I guess the only good news is that everyone's application is taking longer... (it's not because of a problem that only you are experiencing - thus a problem with your application).

It might be a good idea for someone to phone and ask. You have information from other successful applicant's that took less time.



Oct 29, 2007
Greetings everyone on this forum,
I'm glad I was referre to this forum, at least I know I am not the only one.
I got married last February, submitted my application in April & the Mrs received a letter from rabat in June. Four months later we are still waiting for a phone call to set up an interview. It is killing us to wait evry day for this call that seems to be taking so long to come, but what can you do eh? Just be patient & take it easy. They will eventually call for sure.
As per someone suggesting to give the embassy a call to check on their file I guarantee you they will not tell you much other than when we finish studying the file we will call you. So do not bother cause you won't learn anything by making that call.


Star Member
Mar 28, 2007
Canadian Embassy in Morocco

Visa Services

31, rue Hamza, Agdal
Rabat, Maroc

Immigration (visas): (011 212) 37 68 74 01

Immigration (visas): (011 212) 37 68 74 47

Immigration (visas): rabat.immigration@dfait-maeci.gc.ca

I forgot Scoobet. She has been waiting for so long!
I, too,would suggest someone calling the embassy. It would ease your minds. I started to wonder after my son-in-laws interview, that they had lost the file, and I emailed them. Rachid got a call the next day from the woman who had interviewed him with positive news. At least by you phoning, and knowing that the people at the embassy would have to look into it their end, would help a little. At least you will know it was there, and that they were working on it.
- Penny


Star Member
Jun 25, 2007
My husband emailed the embassy in Rabat about a month ago asking about our application, their reply was a generic formatted letter stating that we are still within our time frame and they are studying the case, and if they need any more information, they will contact us.
If someone else would like to call or email the embassy, we'll be more than happy to hear from you.


Star Member
Jul 8, 2007
Hi avryone wow lots of action here today , like my husband boubaker just said to me its gething hot in the forum we are all gething so tiered and on edge waiting. For us its been 2 months since the letter from Rabat and we are sooooo going crazy and trying to be patient I still cant get over even what Nooda and Scoobet is going trew!! 4 to 5 months its alot.

What Boras Said its right all we can do is wait, good thing we got here a group to talk with,
Im not so feeling alone in all this and turns out from the waiting I made some great friends,

TRacy Im so happy for you and hope you enjoy your man with you avry moment you can!!
Just this gives us hope

And a Big hello To Penny hope you are doing well.

Wishing you all the BEst


Star Member
Jul 27, 2007
Hi All,

I finally got a piece of good news - my sponsorship application was approved and our file sent to Rabat.

I WAS feeling really excited, However, I feel more discouraged than anything now. I suppose it could be a year before my husband has his interview at this rate. If people have been in the queue for 5 months without any news and I am 5 months behind that, I am looking at almost another year. This puts the Stats on the website way out of line. I think it states that 80% of cases are completed in 6 months. Really discouraging.

I think I will go bury my head in the sand and cry for awhile. I am tired of this whole thing and it hasn't even started yet.



Star Member
Jul 27, 2007
I would like to say one thing -- someone desperately needs to light a fire under the asses of these immigration people. We are not FILES we are people who want to live a life together. The longer they keep us apart, the more likely for a marriage to fail.


May 28, 2007
Hi Everyone. Yes my husband Hibiscuss and I have waited since June 11. And at the end of October it will be almost 5 months. We are talking every day on msn and he calls me during the day by phone. We are managing as best that we can. I know it is so hard to wait. But we can't do anything else. My husband sent them a fax last month and he had no reply. It is God's choice that we wait. And it is our trust in him that helps us get through this wait. As each day passes it is one day closer to being together. We can't look at it any other way. I am sure we will get a call soon. Now the summer holidays and Ramadan have passed. The office should be getting back on track with things. As soon as we get word either my husband or myself will post it. We get through this one day at a time and our life is the best that we can make it for now. The missing doesn't go away, but the constant contact helps. I will let you know as soon as I hear anything. Take care....Scoobet


Full Member
Oct 28, 2007
hi everyone and thanks for the welcomes from so many of you!
raven, thanks for your email address. i'm near yonge & davisville. i'm going to email you and see if we can have a cup of tea (with lots of mint and sugar, anyone??) and chat sometime. it's such a relief to be connected to a community who understands this situation and doesn't judge it.

tracy and penny, thanks for the suggestions and good wishes from those who've succeeded at this waiting game! it's really kind of you to keep logging in and helping others.

by the way, in terms of wait times, we were given legal advice that our wait could be 6-9 months for the whole process, from first filing here in canada to getting the answer, so i think some of you have actually been quite lucky. we filed in july so realistically, it could be next year if we make the minimum time. if i think in those terms, i'll be less disappointed if it takes longer and delighted if it's quicker.....but i also like what raven said about she, isabelle and i all filing around the same time and somebody getting a call this week! : )

hey, to boras and any other husbands still in maroc, i'd love to connect you with my husband but he's just starting to learn english so he can read some of the stuff here but not all of it and he's not able to post. he speaks french (our common language) and arabic of course. let me know if you'd be willing to share email addresses etc.

and congrats to becca! first step is a big one. makes you feel like your application didn't just disappear into the void.
