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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Jun 17, 2009
My dear candian ladies who admired Morocco and Moroccan people...

First I would like to thank you for your feelings,and congratulate the newly married, and hoping for all of you best and the fastest success in your file process...

First of all I would like to introduce my self:
Iam new to this site, but I have been following for a couple of days...

Iam Moroccan, Living & working abroad in (a Oil Country) well settled, brand new car,full furnished flat,fully independent, I had been working for almost 10 years.....
and enjoying/boring of 360 days/year of SUNNY & EVEN BURNING FIRE weather of 35C-50C or 95f-120f...

I hope you accept me as a friend into this forum....And as its cleared from my user name:Honest, I will say the reall thing which really hurts...because reality do really hurt.

the real issue here is related to canadian YOUNG GIRLS mainly who have not been married,why rarely they accept get married to a non canadian man???

what is more I noticed that they don't like a VERY HONEST MAN with em, what they need is someone to play with them and then get em to the end of nowhere!!!

which is not my type!I will never ever do sth like that.

The answer has been given by one the member here when he came back ANGRY from the canadian embassy, and i would like thank him for that, because he really put the lid into the cup.

The answer is simple as this:these people have ONLY MONEY,but they don't have FEELINGS,they buy & sell...I have lived here almost 10 years...That's why it is famous in the west:who ever want to make money.....Go to Gulf region!!!

I will stop now becoz this is getting so long, i will continue later on.Please, I need your feedback and comments on "canadian Single (unmarried) girls" behaviour.

Thanks indeed.


Star Member
Sep 14, 2008
alberta canada
honest honest honest .first of all not all canadian single unmarried women bahive like that i have been around in few countries around the globe and i find canadian womens very friendly down to earth and if it happend that you come across one that dates or marry only canadian well thats her choice and even in morocco you get lot womens like that they only date or marry a moroccan. like you said you are in the golf let say saudi arabia or dubai you have 00000 chance to marry a lady from there because is their calture and if you ask me its very retarded but again its their choice and who cares. so not only canadian unmarried single women do that but can happend in any place in the world its just matter of choice .for example you find some one that is 45years of age but he run after girls that are 17and20 and most of the time he is complaining .but he doesnt know that the real problem is him .bottom the story my opinion canadian english speaking womens are so special and friendly comparing to other womens and its just my opinion i know everybody hase one .


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Honest, my brother nouredine is right. First of all, no matter what country you are from, dating and marriage is a matter of choice unless you are heavily influenced in these decisions by your family. I will tell you one thing as a Canadian woman, Canadian girls do NOT like to marry young. They want to experience life and have a career before they settle down to marriage. You may disagree with this but lets NOT get into a cultural debate here because it's useless. This forum is about supporting all people who are Canadian and have married Moroccans. Which leads me to my next point, all of the women on this forum (Moroccan and Canadian) are married or in a serious relationship so I'm not sure that anyone can help you in understanding your dating questions. This is not a forum to meet single people.

Good luck in whatever you do and remember that love doesn't have a country.


Full Member
May 17, 2009
hello rjessome im in toronto now sorry i didnt came on here latly realy it s so nice here so derant and cool people are nice and lots from defrant contry , my wife family are soo happy to meet me i cant forget what they do for me yesterday , i will call you soon my wife are happy to meet you soon ,

Honest ,what are you talking about, dont ask about that on here because everyone have wife or husband on this site , and we love all canadian people ,and they loves as ,my wife are canadian yes canadian i say it to you 2000.00 time ,Vive les canadiens homme et femme ,Long live to the Canadian man and woman.
rjessome i will contact u soon say hi to your husband ,good luck all brothers and sisters on here



Star Member
Aug 26, 2008
what nouradine and rjessome said was appropriate, this is a forum to share sponsorship advice, information, suggestions and ideas and it's not a forum to ask about why someone chooses to marry younger, older, thinner, fatter, green eyes, blonde hair, Canadian, Moroccan...etc. Life and love is a matter of choice and in today's age geography is just another hurdle to cross.

As a Canadian I married a Moroccan, why? because I love him, not because of his ethnicity or my love of mint tea :)

Welcome to Canada


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
I think Honest has a bad experience and the sound of it with a Canadian but why does he have to judge everyone based on his bad luck. Not everyone is the same!


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
LOL! It's almost like he's looking for dating advice to attract Canadian women! Too funny!

My brother Normal!!!! Welcome to Canada! I'm so glad you arrived safely! I wish I was closer to Toronto so I could meet you and your wife. But I have a fantastic friend in Toronto who is also married to a Moroccan so maybe you can all meet and share experiences. My friend's husband is not in Canada yet but any day now! We are praying!

Hope everyone has a great week!


Full Member
Jun 10, 2008
whats up normalnormal, how was things you went through in the airport ,did you get to fil the forms at the immigration ofice , how long it toke you with the immigration ofice ? well if you dont mind dear friend can ou tell us bout everything ,my wife did good job and got me the website and the form immigration ofice once she got to montreal while leaving morocco and here are the forms


honest ,i dont really undersatnd what you mean with you post , all i understand your insultations to canadians girls and you really was kinda rude and sorry to say so , as our friend rjessome said this forum is for support and helps for ppl whom been married or on process with the canadian embassy , this forum is to share experiences bout Family Class Sponsorship between morocans and canadians , thanx


Full Member
May 17, 2009
hello my sister rjessome thank you so much ,realy ididnt think i will see toronto like this , it s soo big and nice omg the frist min i leave the airport i was exaitd and happy,the life here are defrant like food and the hosses or the apartemant and how people dress and the weather too lol ,i hope to meet you and abd alghafor soon and your freind too incalah just leet me know when he s coming i can go meet him ,is he from marrakech?i wont be on here for fey days just know im praying with you and for everyone to have the visa soon.

sos_help thank you brother and the things was good in the airport i just didnt like the 6 hours in germay waiting for the next plain ,but then all was ok they speak enlish and france too in the arport that was good for me and about the fill at the immigration office yes and also u have to nime all what you are taking with you ,they ask me few question and they ask about the kind of tea because they didnt know them so said all just for tea they are 4 kind i need them ,also they say to me in 25 day i will get the card i need here,it take 35 min with the immigration ofice for everything everyting will be ok foryou brother ,have a good time leet me know when you are leaving morocco ok ,good luck to everyone


Jun 17, 2009
First of all I would like to thank respected,positive memebers on this forum.

For me,I don't belong to those People you have mentioned, Iam educated,working in a managerial level, with multi million oranization, at the 30's of age.and real MAN, Also A reall BOGGOSS, so right here there is no impedements like what other prejudged minds did.
on the other hand,I know everyone in here has a wife and husband ,and my words was not rude or insulting any one. Just I asked very polite questions to the (Can,Mor) comminuty?

I agree with you that girls are not getting married early that's right,(life experience,Careers...).But may be they an other reasons, like maybe culturals issues...they got the fear of the unknown...

That's why I do asked so may native original and experinced women, have something to add from thier life,background and culture,So this will help in more a significant and healthy relation between
CANADIANS & MOROCCANS in the future.

I Know it's not the right place, but it's not bad to ex-change the knowledge and experiences about both comminuties.

Thank you for your Kind replys again.


Star Member
Sep 14, 2008
alberta canada
honest you were not rude i agree about that .you asked politely that is for sure .and i think we shared with you some opinions and yes we all think is just matter of choice it hase nothing to do with culture or anything propably you meet a lady she was not attracted to you and it happends. but you cant say young canadian girls you sound like you did meet all young canadian girls .you mean young canadian girls you mean what age under 18 under 16 i realy dont get it because if you are in your 30s then what age are you talking when you say young are you talking about 16 15 or what whats young mean to you please becuse if you talk about 30 iam married with a canadian we are both in our 30s we never been married and have no previous kids so i wonder what age are you meaning when you say young because you mentioned you are 30 and love have no age its mater of choice but i wonder when you say young what you mean


Star Member
Aug 26, 2008

You were not rude but again it's not the place for such philosphical debates. If you know anything about Canada which I wonder if you do. You wouldn't be asking what's a Canadian woman think, do, choose...Canadian is not an ethnic group. We're a diverse nation of every possible nationality, religion, race, creed. I am Canadian but I also identify with my birth nation which is not Canada.

So is your query only intended for native Canadians? A tip, most women don't refer to themselves as girls, if you're talking girls then that's another issue. NO girl should be ready for marriage so that's not up for debate in this forum or prob most others.


Jun 17, 2009
Nouredine,thank you very much my friend,for your highly civlized style of discusion.
Also I want to thank our frined SOS_help for the same.and all other positive minded members.

Lovely Lady,thank you for your reply,and please Just excuse me to correct what you said,I did Not judging any one,or insult anyone.

Nouredine, Congratulation for your marriage, and hoping for you & your wife all the Happiness and success.
You are really an educated,respected man, and you deserve the best.

I go back to your reply,When I Said young I mean, a single matured woman,of almost same age like us,with no previous marriage or kids...and Iam not into generating that all single canadian women, will ACT the same,of course you will find the bad & the good ones, all over the world...But as friends want to share with you my own experience...
Because It happened, And do believe its matter of choice, or "Naseeb" if you would say...Just I asked opinions, it may help me to figuire out sthing.
And If you allow me to share my story with you:
She was a nurse in high class military hospital,we met before two years ago,she was really very happy and pleased with me,and she was able to give "her eyes to me", Except marriage...its a red line...
I Just respected her decesion, and then she left to her home country, and everything has just gone in the air...It was just like a dream...even no goodbye...no Addresses,e-mails, nothing..
Just like a fish and Jump back into to the water where it belongs to.

And trying to figure out, and understand more,and so many "maybies" started to put on my head???
But, I think the most coorect "maybe"??? is that she has already someone there, promised for marraige.and we just walked out for a while across the bridge...
I don't want top be and Iam not a judgemental minded person,but just trying to understand, no more no less.
Thank you for your kind sharing.