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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Hero Member
Nov 5, 2007
I am so excited for you NoonaAmeen

You will be with your Husband in Canada to start your life together very soon.

WELCOME TO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God bless you with your new life

Good luck and God Bless to all who are still waiting.


Star Member
Jun 25, 2007
hanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane, felicitation, Mabrouk, Congratulations, soo happy for you, finally you will be with your husband.
Guess what ? yesterday I visited Cloverdale , and Vancouver is very nice, its crasy there, I like it. oh hanane, you will be here soon, Im waiting for you, I can't wait anymore, LOL.
I hope for Boubaker to get the call very soon, and for Zahra as well.


Full Member
Oct 28, 2007
Hi NoonaAmeen,
congratulations to you. so sad for us to still be waiting after our interview on feb. 7th-- 3 weeks today. this makes no sense whatsoever to us and we're really frustrated.
maybe they're doing a group session and we'll be invited to the same one.
i can only hope because i don't know how much more we can take of this unexplicable delay.


Full Member
Oct 28, 2007
sorry for posting that negative message but it's just frustrating for us.
i am happy for you guys and i appreciate you saying you'd pray for us.
thanks for that,


Star Member
Mar 28, 2007
Oh this is all so exciting! I'm so glad for all of you.

Waiting1 our Rachid had his interview June5th and picked up his visa Aug. 8th., so don't worry, your call will come. I know how you feel because I remember thinking bad thoughts while waiting during this time.

Becca - sorry I didn't answer right away. Where abouts is Mount Pleasant?

I wish all the people going to B.C. would contact me, so maybe we could all get together. It would be so lovely to meet you all in person.

Best wishes to everyone.



Star Member
Jul 8, 2007
Hi penny i see you are mooving ...How is your familly doing please keep in touch. wishing happyness for avryone on this forum.

Good luck Boras & Raven !!!


Full Member
Oct 28, 2007
thanks so much to penny, raven and yasmina. i appreciate your support. it helps.
penny, was there ever a reason given as to why your son-in-law had to wait so long?


Star Member
Mar 28, 2007
Waiting1 - No they didn't give a reason. Because it was taking so long, I emailed the embassy to see if there was a problem (I was very polite!). It might have been a coincidence but the day after I emailed, Rachid got the call to pick up his visa in 2 weeks. One of the ladies who interviewed him also answered my email at the same time telling me that Rachid would be getting a call soon. Usually people got the call to pick up their visas in one week, but I think because I emailed, they phoned him earlier just to reassure him. I thought this info would help you, knowing that this wasn't an unusual wait for you.

Yasmina - Yes the house has just gone up for sale. I hope it sells soon. I miss my husband. Oh, doesn't that sound familiar? Ha-ha!



Star Member
Jul 27, 2007
Penny - Mount Pleasant is part of Vancouver, along Main Street stretching from False Creek (where Expo 86 was held) up to 25th Avenue. 10 minutes by bus to downtown Vancouver, adjacent to Yaletown and Kitsilano areas. Mount Pleasant is home to all the new trendy shops and tonnes of Cafes, it has an artsy vibe but most people who live there are normal working class (not too snobby!)

Raven/Boras - saw the pics of Housni on your facebook- still laughing!! Glad to hear you had a good time. I too love the photo of the baby camel!! Good luck on your interview!

Isabelle/Boubaker - I sent you an offline message on MSN to congratulate you - but I will say it again.

To all the others with successful interviews and visa receipts, congratulations.

Pretty soon there is only going to be a few of us on here!!!



Full Member
Nov 26, 2007
salam everybody
noooooooooooooodaaaaaaaa in cha alah soon i will meet you my freind and my sister , i m so happy that you are my neibour i hope you all the happeness with your ADEL , i realy miss my husband so mutch, i can t wait anymore i want the time to come quiqly quiqly LOL,
Hopping 75 thk you so mutch for your nice words and for your welcoming me , in cha alah i hope it will go easier for you and you will be soon together with your love, i wish for you the best and happeness with your love, i pray for you , i wish you the good and best of luck ,
Waiting one thk you for you congratulate us it s so kind from you , and you don t need to apologize it s normal feeling , and it s realy i know it so hard and sad but don t feel that just be strong in cha alah everythg will go well for all of you , i hope your husband hear soon from embassy to get the visa , i pray for you , you are realy so nice and so polite i wish for you all the happenes with your love , good and best of luck in cha alah ,
and i want to thk all who congratulate us in the forum and all have good luck and best of happeness for all ,
good luck Boras for your intervew , i pray for you inncha lah soon you wil be with your wife ,
goodluck everyone


Sep 14, 2007
salam everybody
i wish good luck to all those who wil have their interview soon
im sur all of you will pass it easily and will be with your beloved ones
good luck boras and raven

wish you all the best


Star Member
May 7, 2007
Wow - I can't believe how large this group has grown since 1 year ago - what a great, supportive community it has turned into.

Congratulations to everyone who have finally completed interviews and have successfully recieved their visas. How exciting! I know it has been a significantly longer wait than those of us going through this process this time last year. I think there's been a large increase in requests for visas due to all the work shortages in Canada these days. Unfortunately that has impacted the processing times for the embassy in Rabat.

Also good luck to those who have interviews coming up - you should be pretty well equipped for them as a result of all the information in this forum from everyone who has already had theirs. Again, what a great resource everyone has been to each other.

Penny - you know Rachid and I are in Victoria - not too far from Vancouver. We look forward to meeting you (and others) some day in the future when you are reunited with your husband. We still keep in touch with Abdella and Loretta - so if there is any kind of gathering I will be sure to pass the info along to them as well.



Star Member
Mar 28, 2007

Yes, I know where you are, and Abdel & Loretta. I was fortunate to meet Mornie and her Rachid when I visited Winnipeg in September. It's amazing to finally meet someone you have only corresponded with on this forum or by email.
Please say hello to Abellatif when you talk to him. During our wait, you and Abdel were a great help to me, with your encouraging words. Tell him I think of him often, and hope he and Loretta are enjoying their life together.

To Everyone - Hopefully I will get to meet some more of "my people" one day. It would be wonderful!



Dec 31, 2007
hello everyone,

finally the desperate wait is over. My wife got the call this morning to pick up her visa on wednesday march 05/08.

When I started this procedure last summer, I could never imagine it was goig to be this hard. But I am relieved now & I can look forward to visiting montreal next saturday insaAllah.

once again thx to all those that prceeded us & kept updating us whenever there was sth new & good luck to all those that have just started their journey.
