hello everybody !
How amazing it is to find a such nice topics and people as you guys, i was panicking and frustrated before i find this beautiful website it cools me down alot, sorry i haven't introduced myself yet, everything seems to be like completely destroyed

i'm a man from Morocco i met my wife online we were getting along with each other everything was like a dream mhmmmm how beautiful it is to dream and close your eyes to be able to take yourself everywhere you want before you have to open them and face the freaking reality

sorry guys for my language i know that some of you won't appreciate it

i'm just in a period where i have to express myself, and i have to be also sorry for my bad English. Anyhow my situation is that after all the hard long process of getting married in Morocco we all sent our application and it was ok in Canada, but once they got it here everything seems to go slow as hell it has been more than 3 months now and nothing appears
i just need your support guys and helps if is it normal that this process takes that long
thank you for taking time reading for me