Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MY HUSBAND GOT THE VISA ON JUNE 7TH ON THE SAME DAY OF VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't believe!!! its been 6 month and 2 weeks since we applied!!! I think it was a good thing i was there a the interview!!! he didnt even watch the video they make them see!! they gave him the visa and thats it!!!
At first, we came in earlier and they told my husband your name isn't on the list... He stressed big time because we saw the same thing happen for somebody else on the french forum... i told him to not think about it because maybe they are messing with him... they didn't let me in at first and i though it could help... we waited for more than a hour. He said he waited maybe 45 minutes. he came in earlier. he told me he felt asleep. finally the agent interviewed him and she was super nice and they laughed!!! after they interviewed me. after we waited in the waiting room and with a big smile the agent told us to give her my husband passport and to come back at 3h30pm to take it back with the visa!!!!!!!!!! its was unbelievable!!!!!!!
im super happy but i don't wanna be too much because i know all of your situation is hard... I sincerely hope everything will be alright!!!
im still shock but i can only thank God!!! i was afraid of this process because it was hard....
Thank you FatimZahra and i hope everyone summer will be great!!!!
I wanna thank you all for the support!!!!! I wish i could help you all but im no expert and rabat is rabat...
God bless you all
