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Sponsoring a spouse from Egypt


Star Member
Feb 29, 2008
no not yet... I'll keep you guys posted if i find anything out...

Yes, Allah kariam giden, wa howa alam beena...


Star Member
Nov 19, 2007
RABENA ma3aky w ma3ana kolena
plz tameneena awel mate3rafy anything isa
3ereft any number leehom wala lessa ?


Full Member
Mar 7, 2008
OH this is a great thread of info here,, but i still have so many questions......

to get the marriage done, can we go to a mosque/ masjid or what?

how long must I stay in Cairo before I can return to Canada...is there a certain amount of time I must stay there for?...i have been informed that my passport will be sealed for a month is that true and if so do you know why?
i'm just so confused...and i dont really know any arabic, so full english would be great.....so in that case...what do these mean?
  • ytwasak
qaid aeli
  • raqam qawmi
All and any help would be appreciated, thanks


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2008
ytwasak means legalized by the foreign affairs ministry
Raqam qawmi =identification card with national number much like a SIN card but with a photo.
Qaid aeli=family compisition record for you and your husband.

To get the marriage done you have to go to ma'zoon who is the person who performs the marriages. Your future husband should know. You can stay as long as u want. Nobody will take ur passport from u. I don't think. Nobody took mine. I would prefer if u stay with ur husband for sometime so you can gather proof of ur relationship. IE trips. wedding photos, keep everything, wedding receipts, anything u buy for him, calling cards, gifts, bus tickets, trip tickets, entry stamp for entering egypt! emails, chats via webcam(screen shots).photos, make sure you take some intimate photos ie hugging each other, holding hands :)



Hero Member
Mar 13, 2008

I would advice that he gets his paper done first. He can transilate his papers, ie the birth certificate has to be transilated from the health ministry in lazoughly, military exemption or military service certificate, id, etc.

you have also to request an Option C printout from Canada Revenue Agency. Read the forms carefully so u don't miss anything that can cause delay.


Full Member
Mar 7, 2008
thank you so kindly for your help...i know he may know everything, but i would also like to, i don't want to be left in the dark so to speak....he mentioned that i would need 5 pictures, passport size...not sure yet if we will get married when i go there in february 2009,, but my mother gave me her old wedding dress to alter...it would be nice to wear it when we get married, so that is why i asked about the masjid...so what is a ma'zoon? and i have some friends i will be traveling with
i have kept what i can, cause i really wasn't aware we had to...i have a pic of us with his arm around me at khan el khalili....i have calling cards, airplane ticket from my visit, i have everything i saved from my trip in a scrapbook...as i have some family there that i visited and places i went to, without him...so there all in the book, emails, chats, still shots he took of himself on his webcam,
anyways....i have most of these things....i think i am rambling on now, but really thank you oh so much


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2008
the ma'zoon is the guy who performs the wedding cermony and you will have to sign the marriage contract and things like that. It depends though if he is a Muslim will go through Ma'zoon coz this is the islamic way to get married. However, if he is Chrisitan, then you can marry through the church which I can't advice you anything about as I never got married in Church before.

I would take photos in Egypt. :) Don't take them in Canada or you will pay fortune there. You will need more than 5 photos considering you will be doing many papers. I would just have them ready. I had more than 10 anyways and most of them are gone now! Make sure the whiteground is white and if I was you, i would just do it here. It costs about 3 or 4 dollars to get a whole bunch of them. Canadian passport photos are different size than the ones that Egyptian wants 4 by 6.

The family compisition record is just a paper that lists your husband's name at the top and below in a table it lists you as his wife and then if you have any childern you will have to update that.


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2008
about how long you should stay in Cairo,

I would recommend you stay until you get ur papers done. which may take a few days, months, or two months! It depends highly on the employee. My husband doesn't like to pay a penny to employees to get jobs done. So we end up waiting for a month and a half for our family compisition record which we later understood taht the person who did it, wanted money but my husband didn't catch it. The family compisition record doesn't list your citizenship and she was telling us that we will have to change that as the form in the computers said Egyptian. Anyways, after getting tired, my husband told her to print it and fix it by her hand. There wasn't any citizenship field so she was like oh, it must of have been changed or fixed.

For transilation, I highly recommend the office I listed on this thread. The lady is knowledgable and she will not mislead you and they charge reasonable prices. + they are certified by the Canadian Embassy. we were scammed by another office telling us that they were certified and they were not. Plus we had to wait a week to get documents like entry stamp transilated. Oh one more thing, when we made a mistake in our family compisition record by not legalizing the arabic version of it first, she fixed it for free although she had warrned us about it. I am so impressed by their service. :) You don't get that alot in here.

Good luck! :) and Wish you a happy stay in Egypt! Dont' forget to try their amazing mango juice! :) I don''t know if you have been in Egypt before around February. Bring with you advil cold and sinus. Much needed :)


Full Member
Mar 7, 2008
Thanks once again...i doubt i will need any advil, as I hardly ever get colds here, but i'll bring one anyhow....i can only take a month max off from work or i will loose my job and i'm not willing to do that....still didn't say whether it would take place in a mosque...we are both muslim, so from the way you said it about christians going to a church to have it done, i'm assuming the mosque is the place....am i wrong?
Thank you so much for all your help...i would have asked my fiance myself, but sometimes it is difficult for him to explain in english..


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2008

Yes you can get married in a mosque. Most people do it in three places. Azhar mosque, Noor Mosque, or Husein Mosque (I don't recomend that one) I would do it in Azhar. But you will have to bring your own ma'zoon and stuff like that. I think u can get it done in a month if you act aggrisivally. If anything is missing, your husband can do it for u. I would plan and have most paper done.

So what you will have to do is to get marriage certificate-- have it transilated from justice department in lazoghuly.
get ur husband's identification card changed to say married 75 le for rush service and usually takes about 4 days.
and then get ur family compisistion record. I advice you to start filling and looking the forms way before ur marriage. Read the guides and be much prepared. Then u can do it in a month so you don't be panicing especially in ur honeymoon :)



Star Member
Nov 19, 2007
hay poetresse & welcome on board

i got married in "masjed el shorta" at salah salem st. , its really calssy & thier service is great & they got yr marr. cert. done in only 2 weeks or mayb less
so i ll recommend that one so badly

My advice to u poetresse is to gather as much evedience 4 yr relation as u can caz this is their main concern abt the sponsorship process


well done fairouzm , u r really a good guide masha2 ALLAH

oh i wanna ask u fairouzm abt my qaied , after i got it should i go 1st to legalize it from foriegn affairs then happy land for translation then sigil madani to stamp the translated one then forieng affair to legalize the translation?
am i right


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2008
Hello Mnassar,

So you got ur qaid already mashallah! Good for you! where did u get it from ard el ma3ared?

After you get it from the sigil madni take it to the foriegn ministry (the arabic version before you transilate it) as they will not stamp the transilation for that one as it is not official transilation. Then take it to the happy international business center. I know I said happy land before but I don't know where I got that land part from :D but it doesn't have a land in the name. She will do it for u right away no waiting for days or anything! Good luck! We paid 30 LE



Star Member
Nov 19, 2007

sounds so funny "happy land" , everytime i hear that name i keep laughing :))

anyway , i didnt get my qied yet am still waiting for it to b issued but thank u very much :))

but wat do u mean by ard el ma3ared??
& concerning the 2e3fa record , just take it to happy int. 4 translation or there's something else?

thanks alot