in the guide it says nothing about all this work for the papers. However, I happen to call the Canadian Emabassy one day to see what transilation office is certified for them. Somebody was really nice to me and told me that all the info I need.
By the way, speak English, you get better service! ok. Here is the number for the embassy. 27918700
The papers has to be done in the following order.
Birth certificate long form has to be transilated from the health ministry in lazoughly. (what actually happens is that you take the form and take it to a transilation office which is the office I mentioned before) then the transilation can be legalized or ytwasak from the foreign affairs which they have many auhtorization offices as I was told.
The wedding certificate has to be transilated from the justice Ministry in Lazoughly and then you take the transilation to the foriegn affairs to legalize it.
If you are submiting your grades certificates, the university will do this for u.
Now for the qaid aeli, you have to get ur raqam qawmi status to be changed to married first, then take ur marriage certificate and ur raqam qawmi and go the civil registrar sigil madni in order to get it. Once you get that, you have to take it the arabic version to the foreign affairs (wezart el khargia) and legalize it. then take it to the transilation office. I highly sugesst the one above, they know what they are doing and provide fast service and reasonable price plus it is certified by the Canadian Embassy as they say.
Military record or Aefa just take it to the transilation office and do it there.
Mnassar, just go to wezart el khargia and you will find many offices there or just ask them. Even in Canada they do this too. Some gulf countries require that tawseek for ur documents and it is a common practice to legalize documetns.