lease no one tell me visit CIC web site 
I read that i can apply for permanent residence after study
I spoke with immigration lawyer also told me that
Part of the message:

I visited several sites for the Canadian provinces
Which have programs for the migration of students
But on the other side:
iread in CIC web site:
I must prove i will back to my country after the end of the study
Some people told me me:
You can only study things related to the field of business or study in your country of origin
But on the other side:
I did not find the rule say that
Some people also told me:
Can not be for all family members to apply for study visas
Otherwise, the total will be rejected or half
But also I did not find the rule say that
I heard a lot of frustrating Replies:
I have another problem
We 3 will go to study:
me - my mother - my sister
Younger brothers would go with their mother
( study visa first)
But the problem is that I want them to complete their secondary education
In Canada
And not with us enough money to spend on secondary education
So I want to know if there are secondary schools free or cheap
Or belonging to religious communities
Or if there are cities or provinces offer
Secondary education cheap for foreigners
If I went to a two-year study
Do I have to prove to me living expenses for a period of two years ($ 20,000 thousand)
Or can prove one year
And the other year can be prove later
I want to know if it was $ 250 to consult a lawyer a good amount
I begun thinking about the use of immigration lawyer
I have still a lot of questions
I'll write it later
Because I'm currently busy
but ihope some one can reply and give me good answers And not just guesses
I read that i can apply for permanent residence after study
I spoke with immigration lawyer also told me that
Part of the message:
until now this is goodThere are options for applying for permanent resident status after graduating from a Canadian public post-secondary institution. Would you like to discuss these options in detail? Please note that we charge $250 CAD for a consultation.
I visited several sites for the Canadian provinces
Which have programs for the migration of students
But on the other side:
iread in CIC web site:
I must prove i will back to my country after the end of the study
Some people told me me:
You can only study things related to the field of business or study in your country of origin
But on the other side:
I did not find the rule say that
Some people also told me:
Can not be for all family members to apply for study visas
Otherwise, the total will be rejected or half
But also I did not find the rule say that
I heard a lot of frustrating Replies:
and racist Replies:You're still not getting it. You can only work if the course requires it, then it is only for a maximum of 3 years OR and it is required as part of the course. Example you have to work for 3 months as part of the curriculum, then that is all you can work! You have to have a work visa, and you can't apply for it while living here. Secondly a student VISA does not allow you to work, it allows you to STUDY, unless it's part of the course.
Now read this, you may find that Canada is not the bed of roses you think it is. There are plenty of other articles if you want them.
+there are company's in western canada bringing in cheap foreign workers doing ****ty work that don't have the skills or knowledge to do the task they are sent out to do, so my suggestion unless your American stay wherever the **** your at and leave Canadian jobs to Canadians.
I have another problem
We 3 will go to study:
me - my mother - my sister
Younger brothers would go with their mother
( study visa first)
But the problem is that I want them to complete their secondary education
In Canada
And not with us enough money to spend on secondary education
So I want to know if there are secondary schools free or cheap
Or belonging to religious communities
Or if there are cities or provinces offer
Secondary education cheap for foreigners
If I went to a two-year study
Do I have to prove to me living expenses for a period of two years ($ 20,000 thousand)
Or can prove one year
And the other year can be prove later
I want to know if it was $ 250 to consult a lawyer a good amount
I begun thinking about the use of immigration lawyer
I have still a lot of questions
I'll write it later
Because I'm currently busy
but ihope some one can reply and give me good answers And not just guesses