I think you will find that the people who are the most similar tend to have the most dislike for each other, its like brotherly rivalry. Canadians and Americans are the same people, there is no difference.Scandinavian said:"I have lived in London England for a bit due to being transferred there for work. It gave me a chance to travel around Europe.
I really did not like Europe at all, esp London, the city smells like Urine. Canadian cities feel so much cleaner and better. London also feels so crowded and everything is so tiny, esp the narrow roads and streets, I hated it, was so glad when I left. Tiny little houses with closet size rooms. Even Paris was so dirty outside of the touristy areas.
Also there are so many dirty ghettos all over the place and a lot of people esp in London don't want to work their happy with council houses and government benefits, gangs of youth also roam around the streets harassing people. Since you walk everywhere there are more chances of running into odd people, was robbed twice at knife point by youths.
For me personally I think the U.S and Canada are much better than Europe."
I am sorry that you have had so bad experiences from Europe. I have been visiting almost every big capital in Europe (and some small) and I must say that I will miss the lack of ancient history and old buildings when living in Toronto. But I do like the city, it is not the most beautiful one that I have seen but I am sure I will like to live there among the nice Canadian people. London smells urine..?I cannot agree with you on that.
I guess I saw a ghetto for the first time in my life when heading New York from Boston..we don´t have ghettos in Finland.
And I have noticed that many Canadians don´t really love the Americans.. 8)
Hmm I guess we all have our own opinion, I didn't find any European city to be beautiful outside of the touristy areas. Just narrow buildings and streets, dirty shops and stores. London has a lot of litter. Also the buildings are old and run down. However in London there is a lot of crime too. I felt more safe in Houston Texas or Orlando Florida.
I prefer large spread out cities with wide freeways ( I like to drive, I don't like public transit) big malls and spread out houses, that's why I could never live in Europe.
Things are also less expensive in North America, and in general I think U.S or Canada offer more opportunity.