Vision2017 said:
Thanks Vivotul, whats the procedure to get bank certificate, I mean I have to simply ask bank about it or anything else I need to do? Or is it ok if I send bank statements (estatements) of last 3 months which also has FD investment on it?
Thanks in advance
I had send bank statements for the last 6 months and i got the following request for additional document.
" You must have proof of having $11,931.00 CAD maintained in your account(s) for at least 3 months prior to your application to the SINP and maintained throughout the entire immigration process. The documents you provided from HDFC Bank indicate that you have fixed and/or term deposits. Please provide clear documentation issued by the bank detailing any and all fixed and/or term deposits that you currently have in place. Acceptable documentation must show: ‐ Date of deposit; ‐ Date of maturity; ‐ Deposit amount; ‐ Maturity amount; and must be issued on bank letterhead. If you do not have fixed or term deposits, please advise us. "
The bank statements which i sent had Date of deposit, Date of maturity, Deposit amount, Maturity amount for all of the FDs still.
Better would be to get a letter from the bank in the format they require lest they ask for additional documents which just might prolong the process.