heheh Am sure you look good and fit, age doesnt mean nothing some people are young and look older because they dont take care of their skin and look.

well you have few days left until you go see your wife, hopefully you put behind the refusal for now, i know its not easy as is to say,weve been refused twice the trv and the second really hit me.so for now enjoy to the fullest with ur wife backhome and hopefully ull come with positive mind to fight immigration to the end. Am already scared of our outcome it doesnt matter how confident we are it doesnt matter even if we knoe our relationship is genuine is on the officer hand our future and it seems like they can just come up with whatever to refuse. I am wondering how much proof is enough proof to them. One of the funny thing is to show proofs of relationship before marriage, the *censored word* is that who tha hell knew we would end up marrying so we had to take zillions of pictures and receipt for every damn thing. I have only one damn picture that i took before marriage with my hubby. of lord save us from the day of judgment(interview day ) LOL... i barely can wait until my husband interview to finish and know the result so i can finally take a deep breath...anyways enough beer, monday is right there lol

for u tough am on leave til september. YAY ME!