Hi Rasu, I read the page and i personally wouldnt sign up to the ecas tracker. To give my name,birthday,receipt numbers and address to a unknown person who has nothing to do with citizenship and immigration.It might be frustrating to sign in ecas and check that nothing has changed but it doesnt cost us a penny and it just take a minute of our live eeach time, how hard is that.And i dont believe i spent thousand of hours logging in ecas to see no change so he(Matthew)makes no sense.And if he send notifications than i guess you gotta check your email very often too i guess so what is the difference..But i do believe and agree that people status dont change on tuesdays only but it can be anyother days as he stated. So i am just giving you my opinion. Try it if you think that it might save you time.

anyway hope our interview letter is coming soon, am very impatient. :-X