Hey everyone,
Still waiting. Officially 25 months in. Painful process.
We had our interview on Nov. 25th. We thought it went well. We were nervous as hell, because it means so much to us and barely slept the night before, but we thought we did a good job. We had nothing to hide. Been married for 2 and a half years, together for 7. (Living in the same country the entire time and the same home for 6 years, with the exception of 10 months when I returned to Canada to get my B.ED.) The interviewer said, and I quote 'I am satisfied that there is a relationship here.' I was over the moon. Validation! She then said she just had to verify admissibility because of two drug charges on my spouses record (no jail time served, both offenses over 10 years old, and his record has officially been expunged - not a major worry). She said it should take a couple weeks.
Waiting.... waiting... then finally an email in February. Received it on a Tuesday and it asked my husband to come in on the Thursday (not like we have lives to re-arrange or anything, but of course this is top priority!):
"This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. However, we note that it is incomplete and would invite you for a meeting with visa officer for additional information on Thursday, 13 Feb at 10:00 hrs. The meeting will not take that long and it is not necessary for sponsor to accompany you."
We had no idea what this was for. Long story short he went in and they asked him more questions about our relationship! Such as "are you scared of your wife" (which after the worry and confusion actually still makes us laugh... of course he is scared of his wife, at least a little bit.

There were more, for lack of a better word, mean questions. He said that he even teared up at one point.
Then they said they would contact him. Our ECAS was changed to In Process within a week but since then we have yet to hear anything. Has anyone experienced anything similar to this?
This is a real mental game. A real struggle to stay positive. It is really time for me to move home, but I am not going back without him! It is such an awful feeling to be away from your family, especially when it is not by choice.
Hope everyone else is in a positive upswing. Would love to hear from anyone that has experience with this.
Best of luck.