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Sign petition: New Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination


Champion Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Regina said:
You are just unhappy for not having proper arguments and use a label as an excuse.
@ harry_aussie and taleodor - Really don't understand why are you arguing with Regina and Just_do_it. Their stance is pretty clear and can be summarized with just a few sentences:
1. Coming to Canada as a student or worker you should not expect more than a student or work permit entitles you. You should not build not on PR options and neither on Citizenship.
2. Following #1, you are nobody and there is no contractual agreement between you and Canada. In fact, you should be thankful that you got your PR after X years and should keep dreaming about Canadian citizenship.
3. For people like you, you should wait for citizenship as long as government tells you to wait and dare not to question or challenge the government intentions (as "true" Canadians like Regina and Just_do_it are) . If you do, the answer is clear - you have not "Canadinized" yet.
4. They don't read the factual evidence, researches and don't really understand simple world economics (and who is paying their tuition). They also cannot answer simple questions how discounting pre-PR time will strengthen the value of Canadian citizenship, prevent fraud or achieve any other claimed aims of the Bill. All they do is BLINDLY FOLLOW THE GOVERNMENT ANTI-IMMIGRATION PITCH.

Enough arguments for you, Regina?

Needless to argue with them, let them hold their opinions, perhaps they will grow up and develop with age.
If you do not think like 1-4 though, please support the petition and our fight:


Hero Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Landed,16 September 2012
Regina you seem to really lack common sense and do not hold any awareness about the issues. As i said my wife will be out in Dubai for 2 years but will pay taxes in Canada. Now if you are not capable of having a good life or opportunities do not open for you around the world then this is not my fault. This is Canada's and your fault that they got a useless Canadian like you who can move nowhere and who's ideas just stink. I think you consider yourself too lucky to be in Canada because no one else would have held arms of trash like you.


Hero Member
Nov 20, 2012
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Really guys? trash talking? questioning other people's intellegence, education and calling them sheeple just because they dont agree with your views? Real mature. Dosent help your arguments when you resort to name calling as a response.

Oh and i did google dual intent and nowhere does it say that you can say you want to eventually immigrate to canada when applying for a temp student / worker visa. Dual intent is considered legitimate but it clearly states you are first and foremost a student and agree to leave canada at the end of you permit unless you qualify under an existing immigration program. Perhaps you should google it before questioning my education? Here, i'll make it easier for you:


look for key words 'bona fide students'. But it does not matter since you probably dont care and neither do i.

Im gonna act like an adult and walk away from this childish argument.

Oh and please do let me know when your petition makes a difference and the bill is scrapped because of it. :D


Star Member
Jan 30, 2013
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just_do_it: Oh and i did google dual intent and nowhere does it say that you can say you want to eventually immigrate to canada when applying for a temp student / worker visa. Dual intent is considered legitimate but it clearly states you are first and foremost a student and agree to leave canada at the end of you permit unless you qualify under an existing immigration program. Perhaps you should google it before questioning my education? Here, i'll make it easier for you:


look for key words 'bona fide students'. But it does not matter since you probably dont care and neither do i.
@ just_do_it I do care. And why that you join the thread you don't care about? Also, I'm sorry, but understanding information seems to be difficult for you. So, I'm forced to question your education level again: can you re-read the document you've found, and then find a logical error in your statement? After you do this research (if you do), can you now see the difference between tourists and temporary workers/foreign students?

just_do_it: Im gonna act like an adult and walk away from this childish argument.

Oh and please do let me know when your petition makes a difference and the bill is scrapped because of it. Cheesy
@ just_do_it So, again, why did you come to this thread in the first place, where you have zero knowledge about the subject?

Just follow the media coverage of our initiatives, and you'll be well informed of our progress. We'll also try to post the updates to couple of threads on this forum.


Star Member
Jan 30, 2013
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A bit of good news from the Parliament:

Both NDP and Liberals have shown support for our cause:
Conservatives are caving in for now. However, they seem scared to address directly the issues raised by our petition, focusing on good parts of the proposed Bill C-24. Anyway. we have several meetings planned with Conservative MPs, where we'll try to explain our point view.

Just as a reminder, NDP and Liberals are winning over Conservatives in the latest polls. This already proves we have a wide support among Canadian public.


Star Member
Jan 30, 2013
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It seems that several Conservative MPs are starting to realize that the provision to strip pre-PR time for ex-foreign workers/international students might not be the best idea.

The only clear argument they can invoke is the backlog. While they have really hard time trying to explain, how the backlog would be solved by this.

So contacting your MP about this bill seems like a good idea.

And don't forget to sign/share the petition:



Champion Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Dear Supporters,

Thank you so much for your support and valuable comments you have left on the petition page!
As we are reaching over 5000! signatures and have already achieved some major milestones, I wanted to give an update to all of you who make our fight a success!

1. We have fully formed our message and legal version of the petition to Parliament of Canada and made it public on our petition page (see the bottom section addressing to the Parliament). We have brought in some good factual evidence, research and government data release to support all of the above. If you wish to receive a PDF copy, please feel free to contact: FightTheBillC24@outlook.com

2. We have launched our "MP campaign" and engaging with over 35 members of parliaments from Conservative, NDP and Liberal parties in GTA, Vancouver, Edmonton, Ottawa and Montreal areas. We are presenting them with our message, evidence and research, legal and online petitions. We need more volunteers to carry our message to local MPs, especially in areas such as Calgary, Regina and Winnipeg. You don't have to be affected by the new law in order to support us and carry our message. You can be a Canadian born, or naturalized citizen, permanent residence or a temporary one studying or working in Canada. Please step forward and we will provide you with all the needed documents for meeting with you MP. Please email at: FightTheBillC24@outlook.com to volunteer.

3. We have received a major news coverage in Toronto Star and it can be found in both printed and on-line editions: http://www.thestar.com/news/immigration/2014/03/03/canadian_newcomers_dread_changes_to_citizenship_rules.html#.

4. We keep working on attaining new signatures - recently we have merged with students petition on Change.Org which pursue the same target as we are. The more signatures we have the higher the pressure will be on the Government to change their position.

5. I want to ask everyone personally to step in and help promote this petition in person, by emails, by Facebook and Twitter and/or other social media means. If every one of you will secure just ONE additional signature we will reach over 10000! You can also help promoting it on the Change.Org by paying on the petition page (Promote This Petition button on the right side of petition page, after you logged in).

I am full of hope that on next update we can declare a VICTORY!


Champion Member
Feb 23, 2012
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sashali78 said:

Dear Supporters,

Thank you so much for your support and valuable comments you have left on the petition page!
As we are reaching over 5000! signatures and have already achieved some major milestones, I wanted to give an update to all of you who make our fight a success!

1. We have fully formed our message and legal version of the petition to Parliament of Canada and made it public on our petition page (see the bottom section addressing to the Parliament). We have brought in some good factual evidence, research and government data release to support all of the above. If you wish to receive a PDF copy, please feel free to contact: FightTheBillC24 @ outlook.com

2. We have launched our "MP campaign" and engaging with over 35 members of parliaments from Conservative, NDP and Liberal parties in GTA, Vancouver, Edmonton, Ottawa and Montreal areas. We are presenting them with our message, evidence and research, legal and online petitions. We need more volunteers to carry our message to local MPs, especially in areas such as Calgary, Regina and Winnipeg. You don't have to be affected by the new law in order to support us and carry our message. You can be a Canadian born, or naturalized citizen, permanent residence or a temporary one studying or working in Canada. Please step forward and we will provide you with all the needed documents for meeting with you MP. Please email at: FightTheBillC24 @ outlook.com to volunteer.

3. We have received a major news coverage in Toronto Star and it can be found in both printed and on-line editions: http://www.thestar.com/news/immigration/2014/03/03/canadian_newcomers_dread_changes_to_citizenship_rules.html#.

4. We keep working on attaining new signatures - recently we have merged with students petition on Change.Org which pursue the same target as we are. The more signatures we have the higher the pressure will be on the Government to change their position.

5. I want to ask everyone personally to step in and help promote this petition in person, by emails, by Facebook and Twitter and/or other social media means. If every one of you will secure just ONE additional signature we will reach over 10000! You can also help promoting it on the Change.Org by paying on the petition page (Promote This Petition button on the right side of petition page, after you logged in).

I am full of hope that on next update we can declare a VICTORY!
As MP's are heading back to their constituency offices, we have 2 more weeks now to gather more signatures before 2nd reading. Help us to oppose the unfair legislation: https://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/parliament-of-canada-do-not-allow-unfair-treatment-of-former-foreign-workers-and-international-students-by-new-canadian-citizenship-bill-c-24
Feb 9, 2014
Please take a minute to look at the proposed changes to the citizenship law and sign this other petition to have bill C 24 withdrawn.


Please share it with your friends.

Please feel free to share background information on this bill prepared by the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL) found at the following link:

Thank you


Champion Member
Feb 23, 2012
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sashali78 said:
As MP's are heading back to their constituency offices, we have 2 more weeks now to gather more signatures before 2nd reading. Help us to oppose the unfair legislation: https://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/parliament-of-canada-do-not-allow-unfair-treatment-of-former-foreign-workers-and-international-students-by-new-canadian-citizenship-bill-c-24
Our petition was presented today by Ms. Lysane Blanchette-Lamothe (Pierrefonds—Dollard, NDP):
Link: http://www.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Pub=hansard&Language=E&Mode=1&Parl=41&Ses=2

"Mr. Speaker, I present a petition with respect to Bill C-24 and the fact that it does unfairly treat current Canadian permanent residents who came to Canada as temporary foreign workers or international students.
The petitioners call upon the House of Commons to consider amending the Canadian Citizenship Act to recognize non-permanent residency time to be counted toward the citizenship residency requirement."


Champion Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Some updates which you may find interesting:

1. Our group has been asked to testify in front of Citizenship and Immigration Committee during the bill C-24 proceedings. Our representatives are going to give a speech and answer questions of the committee on May, 7 2014.

2. We have contacted over 60 members of parliament from Conservative, NDP and Liberal parties and provided them with our material and research. We have conducted over 20 face-to-face meetings with MPs in the last 2 months to promote awareness of the Bill and its affects.

3. We'd like to reach a 10,000 signatures mark before the CIMM hearings, please help to spread the word and sign people on our petition. One of the ways to promote petition is to pay at Change.Org website for promotion of the petition (pay-per-view). Your help will be much appreciated!

Thanks everyone for the support!


Champion Member
Feb 23, 2012
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sashali78 said:
Some updates which you may find interesting:

1. Our group has been asked to testify in front of Citizenship and Immigration Committee during the bill C-24 proceedings. Our representatives are going to give a speech and answer questions of the committee on May, 7 2014.

2. We have contacted over 60 members of parliament from Conservative, NDP and Liberal parties and provided them with our material and research. We have conducted over 20 face-to-face meetings with MPs in the last 2 months to promote awareness of the Bill and its affects.

3. We'd like to reach a 10,000 signatures mark before the CIMM hearings, please help to spread the word and sign people on our petition. One of the ways to promote petition is to pay at Change.Org website for promotion of the petition (pay-per-view). Your help will be much appreciated!

Thanks everyone for the support!
I find it really surprising that the group which affected the most by the new legislation is so untouched and disengaged on this forum. As another measure of education and exposure, one of our team member has created a website which summarize our position, materials and etc. Feel free to spread it around: www.preprtimecounts.com
You can find there also stories of former students who are now affected by this law , same as will be all of you if you not step up your own awareness.


Champion Member
Apr 10, 2012
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sashali78 said:
I find it really surprising that the group which affected the most by the new legislation is so untouched and disengaged on this forum. As another measure of education and exposure, one of our team member has created a website which summarize our position, materials and etc. Feel free to spread it around: www.preprtimecounts.com
You can find there also stories of former students who are now affected by this law , same as will be all of you if you not step up your own awareness.
wow, that's some drastic change. just for instance, this bill got approved, which countries should we (looking for better future) move to?


Hero Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Landed,16 September 2012
Australia is one of them

@Sashali78, you are gem mate !. I visit this thread couple of times a day to keep myself updated with the progress in our petition.