I am sorry you felt attacked personally and it is OK if you don't support me as individual. I also thank you for signing the petition. However, if that's what you wanted to say you were choosing the wrong words. There are 3 inaccuracies in your previous statement and that is the statement I was attacking.canuck_in_uk said:Chill the f*** out. I listened, I watched the hearings, I paid attention, I signed your damn petition, so don't attack me.
I believe that pre-PR time should count and was and still am in support of that amendment (though after your little rant there and the reference to Mein Kampf, I'm not so supportive of you personally).
I was simply pointing out the political logic behind the decision. 0.1% signed the petition, 99.9% didn't sign the petition. That's what politicians care about.
"The government listened to this 0.1% a lot more than they needed to and a lot more than most Canadians wanted them to. They listened to the expert witnesses. "
1. They didn't listen to us.
2. They didn't listen more than they should. That's the beauty of democratic regime - opportunity to speak. In fact they cut our speech time by half just half an hour prior to the hearing and cut the time of other witnesses completely on other meetings.
3. They didn't listen to or embrace the expert opinions they invited themselves.
The whole process is a joke. There is no real discussion, there is no real consideration, there is no decision making process except what big boss says.