canuck_in_uk said:
Those 35 000 signatures only represent around 0.1% of the population of Canada. The government listened to this 0.1% a lot more than they needed to and a lot more than most Canadians wanted them to. They listened to the expert witnesses.
And then they listened to the other 99.9% of the country that wasn't opposing it.
Apparently YOU are the one who didn't listen to the expert witnesses during the committee hearings. If you did, for example, you would see that 100% of EXPERT witnesses (including those of conservatives parties) agreed that the amendment regarding pre-PR time should be cancelled. But no worries, mate, you are a good match to your current government - they didn't listen to them either.
Also, may I bring to your attention, that it is always the case when 0.1% minority being bullied by 99.9% majority and that's the strength of democratic regime to give voice and consideration to all those minorities and make sure no one is being treated unfairly? But I guess that is another part which you missed since it is not in the Mein Kampf democracy manual you were reading...
On our part, I can assure you that the same thousands of signatures will not be in vain. Although WE all cannot vote in the next elections, we can sure volunteer during the elections and do all we can to prevent Harper's bunch re-election.