I have reapplied my study permit a week after refusal..refual reason being
I did not answer truthfully by answering NO to the question HAVING EVER BEN REFUSED A VISA BY ANY COUNTRY.
My first application took 18 weeks which was 4 months and few days buh still got refused after medicals
I have explained and corrected my mistake tho .
After reading someones situation on this forum I wanna ask:
Should I massage the cic to please consider my application since my first application was delayed ? I know this sounds crazy
Buh I am sick of how long my second applicatiin will take because I deferred my application already to sep. 2016 and deferred my fee too ...my first application got abnormal ..!!!!and I belive they got to my application after send them a massage that my application is delayed...plzzz help what should I do???????????

I did not answer truthfully by answering NO to the question HAVING EVER BEN REFUSED A VISA BY ANY COUNTRY.
My first application took 18 weeks which was 4 months and few days buh still got refused after medicals
I have explained and corrected my mistake tho .
After reading someones situation on this forum I wanna ask:
Should I massage the cic to please consider my application since my first application was delayed ? I know this sounds crazy
Buh I am sick of how long my second applicatiin will take because I deferred my application already to sep. 2016 and deferred my fee too ...my first application got abnormal ..!!!!and I belive they got to my application after send them a massage that my application is delayed...plzzz help what should I do???????????