Hi guys,
I am applying from India hoping to make it for the September intake,couple of things I d like some clarity on,someone please help.
1.What are the advantages of going through an agent.I spoke to few.They all charge around 10k.Is it really worth it?What do these guys do that might be difficult for us?
2.Is a police verification certificate necessary?
3.For the financial proof.Is this GIC thing compulsory?I intend to use my own savings as well some of my parent savings.All in FDs.Are the FD receipts sufficient as proof including an affidavit of support from my parents?Anyone have a format for this affidavit?
4.is there any limitation on how early you can apply?For UK visas they cannot be earlier than 90 days before the course commences.Anythink like that for the canadian ones?
5.After one makes an online application,do we then have to visit the VAC centre with our passport.Some clarity on the sequence of visits would be great.
Thanks and regards,