Unless your car is more than 15 years old, you can't. The rules state:
"You cannot import a vehicle that was manufactured to meet the safety standards of a country other than the United States or Canada unless the vehicle is the following:
15 years old or older (excluding buses);
a bus manufactured before January 1, 1971; or
entering Canada temporarily."
*turns on her silly mode* Every time someone calls a Jeep a car or truck, god kills a kitten. Please stop the senseless slaughter of these poor kitties. It is a JEEP! *turns off silly mode*
Please do not take my statements seriously, they were written with the intent of provoking a smile. Those of us who own JEEPS understand, because, well, It's a Jeep thing!
You car is more than 15 years old, so you should be fine so long as the car meets Canadian safety standards. You can read about the rules here: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5048-eng.html#s4