I got PR last month, i was SINP applicant.
Is it mandatory to land in same destination city which is mentioned in our COPR.
Is it fine if we move outside of province.
I don'd find any related jobs to my skill set in Saskatchewan.
When I called to SINP office,they told that they may ban me for 2 years and CIC may ban me for 5 years but when I asked same question in email then they said
"As a permanent resident of Canada, I can live and work anywhere in Canada without any restrictions" which one is true?
Can you please give advise based on your experience.
Hi !
My apology for the delayed response as I was badly caught up with some work.
However, answering your question I believe it is mandatory to land in Province if your PR is provincially sponsored.
I know a family friend who also had SINP and they landed in Saskatoon and received their Confirmation of Permanent Residency (COPR) over there at the airport. However, since they didn't find any job there for few days and were also probably living in a hotel for that time period which was a very high cost. Eventually they found someone known in Edmonton and they decided to move here. Stayed for some time, gradually found employment too and now I must say are well settled.
Please do not quote me on this as I am not an immigration expert, so I do not know what exactly are the terms and conditions for a Provincially sponsored PR.
Hope this info might help you a little bit. Please feel free to ask if you need any further help.
Would try to respond as soon as possible.
Cheers & Good Luck !